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Gases have the most kinetic energy and the least attraction exists between its molecules. Liquids have the middle amount of kinetic energy and middle attraction. Solids have the least kinetic energy and most attraction exists between its particles.

The answer above isn't totally accurate, although it is mostly right. However, the attraction between molecules DOES NOT CHANGE WITH TEMPERATURE. What changes is how much energy the atoms/molecules have to overcome that attraction. The higher the temperature, the more energy the molecules have, and therefore the less the attractive force between will actually pull them together.

As an example, consider a space rocket. The force of gravity on the rocket is constant. However, when the rocket is launched, the rocket's engines overcome the attractive force of gravity (by accelerating in the opposite direction) and therefore the rocket takes off. The attractive force doesn't change -- but the rocket's engines are more powerful than that attraction. In the same way, the increased temperature doesn't change the attraction, but it allows the molecules to overcome it.

Other example. Image you are rolling down a hill on a bicycle. In the middle of the downhill, there is a rise. Because you have speed from going downhill, this slight uphill section doesn't stop you. However, the slight uphill is still there! It just doesn't stop you because you are already going fast. But it still affects you.

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1d ago

The temperature of a substance is related to the kinetic energy of its molecules. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules also increases, causing them to move faster. This increased movement can affect the strength of intermolecular forces, impacting the substance's state at that temperature.

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An attraction between molecules of the same substance is called cohesion. This occurs because molecules of the same substance have similar properties and are able to bond together through intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding or van der Waals forces. Cohesion is responsible for many properties of substances, such as surface tension in water.

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This phenomenon is called cohesion, where molecules of the same substance are attracted to each other. This attraction is due to intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, or van der Waals forces. Cohesion is responsible for properties such as surface tension and capillary action.

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An attraction between particles of the same substance is called cohesion. This phenomenon is responsible for the surface tension of liquids and helps keep water molecules close together.

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The opposite of cohesion is adhesion. Cohesion refers to the attraction between molecules of the same substance, while adhesion refers to the attraction between molecules of different substances.

How do cohesion and adhesion differ?

Cohesion and adhesion differ because cohesion is an attraction between molecules of the same substance. Adhesion is an attraction between molecules of different substances.Adhesion is the intermolecular attraction between 'unlike-molecules' (usually referred to the attraction or joining of two different objects of fluids to each other).Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction between 'like-molecules' (usually referred to the strength with which the particles of an object of fluid attract to each other).== == == ==

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Attraction between molecules of the same substance is called what?

It is intermolecular force of attraction, it may be 1- dipole - dipole interaction, 2- vander waal's force of attraction.

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Whats the difference between adhesion and cohesion?

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What is a attraction between molecules of the same substance?

A attraction between molecules of the same substance is known as cohesion. It is responsible for the surface tension of water and the ability of liquid droplets to form.