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genetic material is a cell that can be turn into a amino acid to a protein.

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Q: How is the the genetic material used to make a protein?
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Who determines the genetic material used to make a protein?


Where is a protein coat found and what is it used for?

A protein coat (capsid) is the protein shell of a virus. It surrounds the nucleic acid and is made up of sub units called capsomere. It is used as protection for the genetic material inside the shell and as reactant with the cell wall of a potential host cell allowing the transfer of genetic material into the host cell.

What uses viruses to help people with genetic disorders?

Gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for abnormal genes, or to make a beneficial protein. If a mutated gene causes a necessary protein to be faulty or missing, gene therapy may be able to introduce a normal copy of the gene, restoring the function of the protein. Viruses are used in gene therapy as vectors that are genetically engineered to deliver the new copy of the gene by infecting the cell.

What is the term used for genetic material which lies in the cytoplasm and not covered by any envelope?

"CHROMOSOME" iS tHe gEnEtiC mAtERiAl thAT lIeS iN thE cYtoPLasM AnD nOt bOundED wiTh AnY eNveLopE. :) !!- TAMANNA..:) !!

Can coding DNA type of genetic material be used for DNA fingerprinting?

it can!

Which is used to create copies of genetic material for DNA fingerprints?


Does sperm transport genetic material?

Sperm contributes one half of the genetic material,the egg supplies the other half.This is the main reason why sexual reproduction is used by most organisms. It creates diversity in species that make it more resilient to changing conditions.

What molecule is used to store genetic information?

DNA stores genetic information but other molecule which also serve as genetic material is RNA which is found generally in plant viruses. So both DNA & RNA are genetic material. DNA stores genetic information but other molecule which also serve as genetic material is RNA which is found generally in plant viruses.

During viral protein synthesis what type of genetic molecule is used?

Messenger RNA

What genetic material can be extracted from your body tissues and used to create a profile to identify a victim or suspect?

Any cell from your body, which have the nucleus, will do for genetic material. So you can collect the blood, which have white blood cells, will do. Biopsy from any part gives you enough cells for the genetic material, you need for genetic testing.

Who first discovered that DNA not protein is the genetic material of the cell?

Less than a hundred years ago scientists were not sure of the identity of the chemical substance in the chromosomes that stored and transmitted genetic traits. The common thought was that it was protein, however scientists began to look at DNA as the possible genetic material. There were three major studies that confirmed that DNA was indeed the genetic information. It all began with Frederick Griffith. Griffith studied two strains of bacteria, a virulent, or disease causing form, and a non-virulent, or non-disease causing form. His research found that two seemingly harmless strains of bacteria were deadly due to transformation, a process in which bacteria takes up foreign DNA. The second study was by Oswald Avery. Avery wanted to identify the substance that made the non-virulent bacteria become virulent. To do this he modified Griffith's experiment and used protein and DNA destroying enzymes to help him identify that DNA was the genetic material. Lastly, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase confirmed that DNA is indeed the genetic material. They did this by radioactively labeling the protein coat and DNA in viruses. They found that only the radioactively labeled DNA was passed along to the new viruses, thus confirming that DNA, not protein, was the genetic material.

What is the genetic material on a virus used for?

To insert into a healthy cell so that it can multiply.