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Q: How is the total residual chlorine affected to sea water?
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What is total residual chlorine?

Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) is the total of free available residual chlorine and combined (bound) residual chlorine. The amount of measurable chlorine remaining after treating water with chlorine i.e. amount of chlorine left in water after the chlorine demand has been satisfied

What do you use a chlorine test for?

Standard Test Method for Residual Chlorine in Water

What does DPD stand for in chlorine testing?

The reagent used in determining free and total chlorine residual for disinfection of drinking water. The chemical name of the reagent is NN Diethyl-p-Phenylenediamene.

Can residual ozone in water be measured using chlorotex?

Chlorotex is used to test chlorine in water.

How do time and temperature affect stored potable water?

loses its chlorine residual

What is the difference between free chlorine and total chlorine?

Combined chlorine is when the chlorine molecule has attached itself to other molecules in water. In other words it has "combined" with something else in the water. Those could be iron, manganese, ammonia or other things depending on the source water. Free chlorine is the molecules that are "free" in the water to do the disinfection.

What is chlorine Analyzer?

A Chlorine Analyzer analyzes free chlorine or total chlorine in water to monitor chlorine dosage. It is frequently used in water and waste water plants to control chlorine dosage.

Can you add a salt water system to an already chlorinated pool?

Yes, just install the chlorine generator and add the salt. Your new system will replace the need for residual chlorine.

What is meant by 3 part per million when adding chlorine to a pool?

3 parts per million (ppm) is measurement of the volume of chlorine in the water for every 1million litres of water there is three litres of chlorine in suspension. To effect sanitation a residual of 1.5 ppm is required, pools are dosed at a higher rate because the chlorine dissipates in sunlight and a 3ppm dose guarantees sanitation and leaves a residual of 1.5ppm as the sunlight degrades the chlorine. Kevin Murphy Australia

Will wounds be affected by chlorine water?

Yes. Small cuts and scrapes will heal faster when swimming in chlorinated water. The chlorine will kill unwanted bacteria in the wound.

Does the level of total dissolved solids in water affect chlorine disinfection?

The level of total dissolved solids in water does affect chlorine disinfection. That's why there is a recommended specification for the level of total dissolved solids in water for the water that is sent to homes.

What is the water purification method when using a five gallon water can?

Use one ampule of calcium hypochlorite to 1/2 canteen cup of water. (The desired chlorine residual should be 1ppm)