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Without using your upper limbs, you can not run. You can use upper limbs without using your triceps. The world record of 100 meters is little less than 9 seconds. Without using upper limbs, that record will go up to 15 seconds, probably.

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Q: How is the tricep used in sprints?
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Is tricep the singular of triceps or is the muscle called triceps?

"Triceps" is singular. "Tricep" is not officially a word, although it it widely used.

Is it true that lactic energy system is used for fast short sprints?

Yes, the lactic energy system is used for the fast short sprints.

Does the deltoid control the bicep and tricep?

The tricep

Are tricep and biceps partners?

bicep is the muscle on the front upper arm used to bend arm. Tricep is on the back of the upper arm, used to straighten arm, so, I guess they could be considered partners.

What are track sprints?

You sprint for 100m. and see what time you get. Track sprints (aka wind sprints) are used by runners for building endurance and response times, in the hopes of shaving a few precious fractions of a second off their competitive finishes.

What muscle is used to place arm behind the back?

i believe its the triceps

When you straighten your arm the tricep and the bicep?

The tricep contracts and the bicep relaxes.

What muscle is in the upper arm?

There are two main ones, the tricep and the biscep. The tricep bicep is on the inside angle as defined by your elbow, the tricep is on the outside.

What is the upper arm muscles?

There are two main ones, the tricep and the biscep. The tricep bicep is on the inside angle as defined by your elbow, the tricep is on the outside.

What are exercises for triceps?

Tricep extenstions Tricep press downs on the lat machine

Is the tricep a voluntary muscle?

The tricep muscle is mainly responsible for the straightening of the arm. This means that the tricep muscles are voluntary, and will only move if we wish to move our arms.

What you mean by tricep?

The tricep is the muscle on the underside of the upper arm. The muscle on the upper side is the bicep.