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Plants breathe Co2 and we breathe Oxygen.

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1mo ago

Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through a process called photosynthesis, which occurs in their leaves. They do not have lungs or a circulatory system like humans. In contrast, humans breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide through their lungs as part of the respiratory process.

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Q: How is the way plants breathe different from the way we breathe?
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What do plants do when you and other humans breathe out?

when you breathe out, plants breathe in.

Do the plants breathe?

yes the plants do breathe

Where plants breathe in?

plants breathe in through their stomata which is on their leaves.

What do you breathe when you breathe out?

Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, the whole world runs in a motion, for example plants breathe carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen. Even fish breathe oxygen. They take the oxygen out of the water. So we breathe in what plants breathe out and plants breathe in what we breathe out.

How do plants breathe daily?

Plants "breathe" constantly. Not just daily.

Why does plants breathe?

Why do people breathe ? Plants need oxygen too .

What are 3 reasons you need plants?

One reason is cuz u need it to breathe its photosythesis. We breathe out carbon dioxide plants breathe that in and breathe out oxygen which we breathe in. Without plants we would die.

Does coral breath?

Not in the way you are probably thinking of breathing. They undergo photosynthesis, as they are plants, which means they absorb CO2. This is plants version of "breathing" .

What is oxyen?

its what you breathe and what plants breathe out while they breathe that out they breathe in carbon diOxide and we breathe it out.

What do you breathe out and plants breathe in?

Carbon Deoxide

In which ways plants and animal depend on each other?

well you need animals to have plants cause plants breathe and so do animals. animals breathe what plant exhale and we breathe what plants exhale.

Which gas do plants give you?

Well plants breathe in Carbon Dioxide and breathe out Oxygen. We breathe in the oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide. So its like a cycle.