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Q: How is the way wind carries sediment different to the way a stream carries sediment?
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What carries the sediment away?

Wind, water, glaciers, and gravity are capable or transporting sediment.

What carries away sediment?

Wind, water, glaciers, and gravity are capable or transporting sediment.

Explain how sediment of different sizes moves during wind erosion?

Sediment of smaller mass is easier for the power of wind to overcome the power of gravity in moving it from one place to another. Most sediment moved by wind that is tiny as sand.

Describe how wind moves different sizes of sediment?

Because of the way the waves in the water move to lift the sediment...

How is wind abrasion different from wind deflation?

Deflation wind is when the wind blows across loose sediments and carries them away.

How is wind deflation different from wind abrasion?

Deflation wind is when the wind blows across loose sediments and carries them away.

What is the erosion by the wind?

the deposite of sediment by the wind

What are three forces that can carry sediment?

Wind, water, and gravity, ice (i.e Glaciers with rocks frozen in them.) -Wind- Picks up sediment and blows it to another place - Water, Carries sediment with... flowing water - Gravity- Making sediments fall down (I.e landslides) - Ice - Rocks with ice in them. (i.e Glaciers with rocks frozen in them.) Falls off when thawed.

What is the name for windblown sediment?

What is the name for wind blown sediment

Does the wind speed in a jet stream stay the same?

No. The wind speed of the jet stream is constantly changing and varies at different points along it. The winds are generally fastest in the winter.

What causes a river to deposit sediment?

Most sediment washes or falls into a river as a result of mass movement and runoff. Other sediment erodes from the bottom or sides of the river. Wind can also drop sediment into the water. Hope I helped! -DorkyGeek77

What is the erosion of sediment by wind?
