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the light that is sent down the tube reflect of the sides making the light 'bend' down the tube and making it use internal reflection. once it gets to the end of the tube inside the patient, the image is reflected back to the person on the outside so they can see inside.

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Q: How is total internal reflection used in an endoscope?
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When is total internal reflection used in real life?

Total internal reflection is used in fiber optic communication systems, where light signals are transmitted through optical fibers by reflecting off the inner walls due to total internal reflection. It is also used in prism-based devices like binoculars and periscopes to redirect light and form images. Additionally, total internal reflection is utilized in diamond jewelry to enhance its brilliance and sparkle.

What is the minimum index of refraction for a glass or plastic prism to be used in binoculars so that total internal reflection occurs at 45 degrees?

The minimum index of refraction for total internal reflection at a 45-degree angle is 1.41. This means that the glass or plastic prism would need to have an index of refraction greater than or equal to 1.41 to achieve total internal reflection at that angle.

When is total internal reflection used for carrying images?

Total internal reflection is used in fiber optics to transmit data - usually as ones and zeroes. This data can represent any type of information - text, voice, images, video, executable programs, etc.

Is endoscope the same as cystoscope?

No, an endoscope is a general term for a flexible tube with a light and camera used for visualizing internal organs, while a cystoscope is a type of endoscope specifically designed for examining the bladder and urethra.

What was used for almost s century to see internal body structures?

X - rays.

When is total internal reflection used to carry light?

It is used in optical fibers. It is also the reason we see a rainbow and why diamonds have their brilliance.

What are highly technical apparatus used to diagnosed diseases of the internal organs?

The endoscope; colonoscope; colposcope. Can't remember more

What are the uses of TIR?

TIR stands for Total Internal Reflection and it can be used for means of communications via internet or broadband. Also, it can be used for different kinds of Surgery.

What is panendoscopy?

A panendoscopy can be used in general terms as an endoscope (a flexible, typically fiber optic instrument used for viewing internal organs) used for wide-angle viewing. The more common definition of penendoscopy the use of an endoscope for viewing the bladder. See related link below.

What instrument is used to view the stomach and esophagus?

An endoscope is used to view the stomach and esophagus through a procedure called an endoscopy. It is a flexible tube with a light and camera on the end that is inserted through the mouth and into the digestive tract to provide internal images for diagnosis and treatment.

How is total internal reflection used in endoscopes?

Total internal reflection is used in endoscopes to transmit light through a fiber optic bundle with minimal loss. When light strikes the interface between the fiber core and cladding at a steep angle, it undergoes total internal reflection, allowing the light to propagate through the fiber without escaping. This enables images to be transmitted along the length of the endoscope for visualization.

What name is given to an optical fibre used by a doctor to look inside the body?
