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It's composed of wavelengths to which the eye is sensitive.

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Q: How is visible light different from other electomagnetic waves?
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How is visible light different from the other waves and rays on the electromagnetic spectrum?

It has a different wavelength and frequency.

How are visible light radiowaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation different from each other?

The only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see is the small yet significant part of visible light. Visible light is not harmful for humans, but some of the other types of waves are.

What is the light called that the retina can detect?

"visible light." it has a shorter wavelength than other light types. "visible light." it has a shorter wavelength than other light types.

Is visible light longer or shorter then rays?

Visible light is made of rays. There are rays with wavelengths that are shorter than visible light and other with longer wavelength.

Which electromagnetic radiation can be seen with the human eye?

Visible light waves

How is light you see with your eyes different from the other forms of electromagnetic waves such as x-rays and radio waves?

Visible light falls on the range of the electromangetic spectrum which is the appropriate wavelength to be detected by the eye. The difference between visible light and invisible light is simply its energy (wavelength or frequency)

If one of the waves represents infrared light and one wave represents visible light which wave represents visible light?

Without any other information, the one with a shorter wavelength/higher frequency will be visible light.

Can visible light be absorbed in the darkroom?

Visible light can be absorbed anywhere.-- Anything that appears to have a color in sunlight has absorbed most ofthe visible light of all other colors.-- Anything that appears black in an otherwise light room has absorbed all ofthe visible light that fell on it.

Do invisible flames give off light?

Invisible means there is no visible light. They may give off other electromagnetic radiation, but "light" usually refers to visible light.

Why white light emit light?

Light doesn't emit light, but other things do, like stars for example. Many things give off light, but white light is the only visible light, and is made up of many different colors, like a rainbow. The sun and other stars emit such light.

What is the main difference between visible and coherent light?

First let us remove the word visible from this question and replace it with incoherent, as visible light can be either coherent or incoherent and coherent light can be either inside the visible spectrum or outside it.Incoherent light is random/unordered, e.g. wave phases different, shines in all directions, polychromatic.Coherent light is ordered in one or more ways, e.g. wave phases all synchronized, shines in one unidirectional collimated beam, monochromatic.The difference between light in the visible spectrum or outside it is only whether humans can see it or not, there is no difference in the light itself other than wavelength.

Does electromagnetic spectrum only include visible light?

No, it includes alpha, beta, gamma, x-rays and ultraviolet rays also. In other words it includes the visible as well as non-visible light spectrum.