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Q: How is warming up beneficial to a person's heart rate?
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Related questions

Why does a persons heart rate change?

because they need a change in heart rate.

What does exercise have on a persons heart rate?

It goes up

Can horror movies affect a persons heart rate?


How does slow tempo music effect a persons heart rate?

Slow tempo will decrease your heart rate because it might put you to sleep and that would rest your heart rate.

What happens to a persons resting heart rate when doing cardiorespratory exercise and conditioning?

It decreases because your heart no longer has to work as hard.

What is persons heart rate per minute?

Every persons heartrate is different! Depending on your height and weight.

Can certain liquids affect a persons heart rate?

Certain liquids can greatly affect a person's heart rate. Someone that drinks a lot of caffeine may notice an increased heart rate.

What effects do movies have on a persons heart rate?

Your blood pressure can go up or down with each movie you watch and same with your heart rate

What will increase a persons respiratory rate?

anxiety, stress, exercising, heart attack.

How does heart rate affect breathing?

Heart rate and breathing are closely linked through a process called cardiorespiratory coupling. An increase in heart rate can signal the body to adjust breathing rate and depth to maintain balance. This synchronization helps regulate oxygen intake and carbon dioxide elimination to support the body's energy needs during physical activity or stress.

What percent of a persons maximum heart rate should a person have in vigorous activity?


What happens to a persons resting heart rate through cardio respiratory exercise and conditioning?

it decreases