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Water Purification Process: primitive methods

Beyond these common methods, there are more primitive techniques for the serious survivalists (or the unlucky person who was caught unprepared).

One is filtering through soil or, preferably, sand. Keep rinsing the water repeatedly through the sand until it is looking clear. A variation of this is to dig a hole near where the source is and use the water that filters through into the hole. Be aware, that although soil is a good filter for sediment and other particles, it is not a guarantee for things like bacteria. This is even true for spring water, which many people assume is safe to drink without treatment.

Distilling is a method that can be used for either collecting water or gathering fresh water out of salt water.

To collect water from the ground, dig a deep hole and place a collecting container or water bottle in the center.

Cover the hole with a clear sheet of plastic. The plastic needs to be weighted in the center with a rock or heavy object so that it points down into the container.

Then, secure the sides of the plastic tightly around the hole, such as by covering with dirt. The clear plastic acts like a greenhouse. The water in the soil evaporates as it heats up. When it hits the plastic it runs down to the point and drips off into the container. If all you have is salt water, you can distill it by placing a small pot inside a larger pot. The salty water goes in the larger pot but not the smaller one.

Invert a lid over the pots that will point down into the smaller pot, then bring the water to a boil. As the water boils, fresh water will evaporate, hit the lid and drip down into the smaller pot, leaving the salt, or other minerals behind.

An alternative if you don't have a smaller pot is to put a cloth over the pot the will absorb the steam. Use caution when removing it to wring it out so you don't get burned.

For another primitive method of how to purify water, see our article on Boiling Water with Stones.

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