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our galaxy the milky way is one of several shapes in the entire universe.All galixys contain clouds of dust that are formed by the galaxy and they also have different shapes.our milky way is a spiral shaped.another could be irregular.

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Q: How is your galaxy similar to other galaxies?
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Two other galaxy like the milky way galaxy?

There could be billions of other galaxies similar to the milky way.

What other Local Group galaxy is your Milky Way similar to?

The local group is a collection of galaxies. It is not a galaxy on it's own.

Why is the milky way similar to other galaxies?

For one thing, the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, which is the most abundant type of galaxy.

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Both are spiral galaxies.

What is the best way the galaxy is described as?

Universe is describing the galaxies. There are different galaxies and our galaxy is called Milky Way Galaxy. There are some other galaxies miles away from ours.

What are some other galaxies?

The Andromeda Galaxy, M82, Bode's Galaxy

What is the same of your galaxy?

Other spiral galaxies.

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There are no smaller galaxies in the Andromeda galaxy. In the Local group of galaxies to which Andromeda and the Milky Way are part of, there are around 30 smaller galaxies,

Our galaxy is one of a dozen galaxies that comprises what is known as the?

Our galaxy is one of the billions of other galaxy known as the spiral galaxy. Our galaxy is one of a dozen galaxies that comprises what is known as the local group.

What is a different name for a galaxy?

There aren't really any other names for a galaxy that I can think of, but there are galaxy classifications, such as spiral galaxies (that can rotate either clockwise or counter-clockwise), elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.

Where is Orion galaxy?

There is no galaxy specifically known as "Orion Galaxy". Of course, there are millions of galaxies in the Orion constellation, just as there are millions of galaxies in any other direction.

What rhymes with galaxy?

me (sounds similar) fantasy radiancy fluency