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no it is a part of the digestive sistem

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Q: How is your small intestine related to the circulatory system?
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What comes after the small intestine the villi or the circulatory system?

The large

Where does most absorption of the end products of digestion into the circulatory system?

In the small intestine

What is the part of exclamatory system?

circulatory system is about a parts of the body like esophagus small intestine and large intestine and that s all thank you

What system is responsible for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body?

Circulatory system

What is the part of exclamatory?

circulatory system is about a parts of the body like esophagus small intestine and large intestine and that s all thank you

How do the villi in the small intestine help with the passage of food into the circulatory system?

i really dont know

How do the villi in the small intestine help with the passage of food in the circulatory system?

i really dont know

What represents the correct pathway of the nutrients in an apple after you take a bite?

Digestive System-Circulatory System-Cell

Where does the transfer of food from the digestive system to the circulatory system take place?

It takes place at the inner lining of the small intestine.

Which structure in the digestive system comes to direct contact with the circulatory system for transfer of nutrients into the blood?

The small intestine is the answer your looking for.

How does alcohol affect your circulatory system?

it gives off small intestine eating ants that eat you from the inside out

What system carries nutrients throughout the body?

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body. It picks up the nutrients from the small intestine and large intestine, and brings the nutrients to cells in the body.