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Komodo dragons seem to hunt, when they are hungry. But I watched a television show just recently, and some people believed in that particular country that when a Komodo Dragon attacks a human it is normally their destiny. I particularly like the Komodo Dragon, even though it has a poisonous tongue and vicious claws and tails.

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14y ago

The komodo dragon stalks its prey. Often working intelligently in pairs to lure and trap, large komodo dragons prey on deer, wild pigs, water buffalos and other mammals.

Once the komodo dragon closes in on its prey, it bites with its razor-sharp teeth, thereby delivering a poison that actually prevents the blood from clotting, causing the animal to bleed to death. It used to be believed that the bacteria in a komodo dragon's teeth from decaying animal matter was the poison that komodo dragons had, but this has been refuted by recent research.

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What is a komodo dragans predititor?

There are none known to hunt Komodo dragons. Komodo dragons are at the top of their food chain, so to speak. The only thing that hunts komodo dragons are other komodo dragons.

When is a komodo dragon active?

Komodo dragons are active during the day when they hunt.

What eats a komodo dragons?

Crocodiles will hunt komodo dragons if they are in water. Tigers and large pythons will kill them by ambush.

What hunts komodo dragons?

The Komodo dragon is an apex predator, and has no other predators. Adults will prey on the juveniles, and have a tendency to be cannibalistic.

What do komodo dragons do?

They eat almost any kind of meat ranging in size from small rodents to water buffalo

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What do komodo dragons do not eat?

Komodo dragons eat monkeys and other komodo dragons, but they do not eat fish.

Is there komodo dragons in Victoria?

There are no komodo dragons in Victoria.

Do komodo dragons have horns?

Komodo Dragons do not have horns.

Are komodo dragons deadly?

The venom, which is similar to that in many snakes, prevents blood from clotting and can prompt the victim's body to go into shock before they die a slow, painful death. Komodo Dragons usually eat carrion and hunt animals as large as deer, but they have been known to attack humans. Two years ago a Komodo Dragon killed an eight-year-old boy on Komodo Island in Indonesia. Earlier this year, one of the reptiles stalked a poacher for several days before killing and eating him. Komodo Dragons can eat water Buffalo's.

Do adult komodo dragons eat baby komodo dragons?

yes when baby komodo dragons are born they run up trees so they don't get eaten by them so yes adult komodo dragons do eat baby komodo dragons

Do komodo dragons have dragons?

No, komodo dragons do not own pets. Especially no dragons. Dragons are really hard pets and komodo dragons know. Yet they might be related to the ancient stories about dragons...