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Speech tones and words used can vary depending on what the situation at hand calls for. For instance, a formal setting such as a business meeting would call for polite and toned down voices, whereas kicking back with friends in a casual setting would include slang words.

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Q: How language is used in different situations?
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What are the 5 aspects of language children must master to be successful?

Children must succed in the 5 aspects of language: phonetic (knowledge od the sound-symbol relationships in a language), semantic (knowledge of the word labels that specify concepts and semantic networks), syntactic (knowledge of the rule system or grammar for using a language), morphemic (knowledge of word structure) and pragmatic (knowkedge or awareness of language is used differently in different situations or settings). Hope this helps!

What is variants and varieties of the English language?

Variants and varieties of the English language refers to the different ways the English language is spoken throughout the world. Australia, England, and the Caribbean are all English speaking places that use a different variant than is used in America.

How is artistic language different from ordinary language?

Ordinary language is the language of the native speaker commonly used in everyday life that may include slangs,acronyms etc while artistic language employs oratory devices & figurative speech in form and structure in speech or narration.

Is this sentence grammatically correct - she spoke different language?

No. You need to use the indefinite article "a" if you are talking about one language. "She spoke a different language." / "She spoke in a different language." You would not need it if the word is plural. But you could have a number. "She spoke different languages." (than someone else) "She spoke several different languages."

What is the language used by the author called-?

The language used by the author is called narrative.

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What are the different language used in cyberspace?

WHat are the different language used in cyberspace?

What is a national language?

The term national language is used differently in different countries. It's usually the main language, the language used in legislation and in political discourse at the national level. Other languages are often used, though in other situations. In the United Kingdom, English is the main language, but Welsh has a special status - though only in Wales.

What is the speech variety?

Speech variety refers to the different forms of language used by speakers in different contexts or situations. This can include variations in accent, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It can also encompass regional dialects, sociolects, and ethnolects.

What different languages are used in cyberspace?

WHat are the different language used in cyberspace?

Why is assembly language used in computer security and how?

Assembly language is used in situations where the designer wants or needs complete control over the application. It is also used in situations where memory is at a premium, or where there is a need for speed and performance.This would apply to any kind of software, whether it is security software or not.Some security software is written in assembler, the rest of the time it is written in a high-level language.

What is the terms refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations?

Pragmatics refers to the study of language use in context, focusing on how language is used to communicate meaning effectively in real-world situations. It examines the relationship between language and social context, as well as the ways in which speakers can convey meaning beyond the literal interpretation of words.

What is matacommunication in speech and non speech?

Meta-communication in speech means that the same exact thing can be said but it means different things. In non-speech it means that you make different impressions by body language in different situations but the body language is exactly the same.

How would you say congratulations to a graduate in Albanian language?

You would say Urime which means congratulations and can be used in a number of situations.

Are important to possess because they can be used in many different jobs and situations?

Transferable skills

What is to be in Spanish?

Ser or estar. They both mean 'to be', but they are used in very different situations and conditions.

How is language used differently in different cultures?

We can teach other's culture and language by showing our cultures and language.

What differentiate diglossia versus bilingualism?

Diglossia refers to a situation where two dialects or languages are used in different social contexts, such as one for formal situations and one for informal situations within the same community. Bilingualism, on the other hand, involves an individual or a community using two languages proficiently for communication purposes. Diglossia is more about language use in society, while bilingualism is about individual language proficiency.