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500 miles. Example being Vesta. Its around 400 miles and not...yet round.

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Q: How large does an asteroid need to be before its gravity makes it round?
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What is the largest asteroid found and is a dwarf planet?

The largest known asteroid in the Solar System ... and it's extraordinarily unlikely that there are any unknown ones that are larger ... is 1 Ceres, which makes up about a third of the entire mass of the asteroid belt. Ceres is large enough to be rounded by its own gravity into "hydrostatic equilibrium" (basically defined as "the same shape a fluid body rotating at the same speed would take") but not large enough to have "cleared its orbit" of other bodies, which makes it a dwarf planet.

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You can consider a dwarf planet to be a special case from an asteroid - one that has achieved hydrostatic equilibrium, which basically means that it has enough gravity to force it into a round shape.

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Air makes parachutes possible. Gravity makes them necessary.

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Is gravity a living thing?

i guess not but the mass and energy in the earth makes gravity. I guess... the energy and mass in the earth makes gravity.

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Gravity is a company that makes longboards.

Why is there no gravity on moon?

There is gravity on the moon. Basically there is the gravity from the moon itself, which is (on the surface) about 1/10 of the gravity on the surface of the earth. Then there is the gravity of the earth, which makes the moon rotate around the earth (in one lunar month ~= 4 weeks). Lastly there is the gravity from the sun, which makes the earth + moon revolve around the sun in 1 year. Everything with mass has gravity, but it is only measurable on a human scale if the mass is as large as the moon or the earth. Even the gravity pull from your fat neighbor kid is minuscule.

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To minimize the drift on instrument you will want to lay it in the center of low gravity and close t the table surface. Which makes the base dimensions large compared to the height of the center gravity.

Is Pluto massive enough so that its own gravity makes it into a spherical round shape?

Yes, because even though it isn't large enough, it still has enough gravity to pull it self into a spherical shape.

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There is gravity in space. Gravity is what makes orbits possible.