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History only tells us that the pilgrims went on a fowl hunt for the meal. It is not known for certain that the fowl was turkey. Even if it was, there is no way to know how many birds were eaten or how big they were.

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Q: How large was the first turkey at the first Thanksgiving dinner?
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What do Americans today remember the large dinner that took place in Plymouth 1621?

Thanksgiving! Also known as Turkey Day. :)

What is the significance of the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner?

The turkey is native to North America. It was abundant and common game for the early settlers of the New World. It is typically a large bird and will feed a larger group of people then a chicken or duck would. Also, because they figured the Turkey would represent the Native Americans better in Thanksgiving.

The sleepiness that one might feel after a large Thanksgiving dinner of turkey is likely due to?

the process that your body goes through to break down all the food you ate.

What US state consumes the most turkey during Thanksgiving?

In my calculations California eats the most turkey during the Thanksgiving holidays.

Why did turkey become a symbol for Thanksgiving?

The Turkey is an important part of the Thanksgiving tradition because according to the legend of the Pilgrims and Indians they shared turkey in a several day fest to thank the Indians for helping them plant crop and harvest for winter. Whether the Pilgrims and Indians actually ate turkey is not known. It is possible that they did because Turkey would be redilly abundant in the east US but this isn't a certainty. However, Turkey is a food that is abundant in the US and is large and can feed many people, this is probably why Turkeys are eaten at Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is often an occasion for a family what?

Thanksgiving is often an occasion for family get-togethers and large family meals with turkey and dressing as the main course.

What is the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner?

Well, figuring that you'll get a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc, I would say about $20-$50. If you are feeding a large group of people, obviously, the dollar amount would go up.

Why do people eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

Turkey on Thanksgiving People eat turkey on Thanksgiving because of tradition. People grow up learning that turkey is served on Thanksgiving and carry that on from generation to generation.Other users share their ideas:I presume it was because the Native Americans introduced the bird to the Pilgrims (but not necessarily on Thanksgiving Day). It was a large bird that was not migratory and therefore was available throughout the year. It was large enough to feed more than one family.Thanksgiving became a time of gathering for families that had moved apart. Turkey is a large bird and you can feed many people from one roasted turkey, rather than roasting many smaller fowl. (It was more likely the Pilgrims ate grouse, duck, goose and swan than turkey. Serving turkey became a matter of convenience and simplicity for the American public. Why cook 10 small chickens when you can roast one 25-lb bird?)

What type of roasting dish works well for cooking a Thanksgiving turkey?

For a small turkey, a disposable roasting tin pan with handles works well. These also work well for barbequing a turkey. For a medium to large turkey, a large heavy roaster (grandmas turkey pan) is best since there will be a lot of basting.

A great dinner for celebrating in thanksgiving?

a great dinner for celebrating is a roast beef and mashed potatoes with gravy mmmmmmmm yum :P

Who the first guest Peppermint Patty invited?

Peppermint Patty's first guest was Snoopy in the Peanuts comic strip. She invited him over to her house for Thanksgiving dinner, but he ended up cooking a large meal in his own unique way.

What is often an occasion for a family?

Thanksgiving is often an occasion for family get-togethers and large family meals with turkey and dressing as the main course.