

How life was first originated in earth?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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This is a question that has not been answered and may never be answered. Even when life can be synthesized in the laboratory we won't know if the method used is the same method nature used.

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Q: How life was first originated in earth?
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How did life orginate on earth?

Life originated from Life.

When do scientist think life originated on earth?

i dont know about the answer

What are some ideas about how life could have originated on Earth?

The one and only way life could have originated on earth is GOD get it, got it good. well, life could have came from mars on a meteorite, or it could have been a biochemical reaction which formed basic cells which started dividing and evolving.

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The first biological catalyst that originated on Earth is believed to be RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA can act as an enzyme, carrying out chemical reactions necessary for life. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that RNA has both information storage capabilities (like DNA) and catalytic abilities, making it a potential precursor to the evolution of more complex proteins.

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eff the time in wich life first evolved on earth!!

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in swapty forsets

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in swapty forsets

Is believed to be the location where humans first appeared.?

It is supposed that human life originated in Africa, and spread out world-wide from there.

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The concept that life begins on earth and ends on earth is a belief held by some cultures and religions. It is not a universally accepted idea and can vary based on individual beliefs and perspectives. Scientifically, life is thought to have originated on Earth, but humans have explored the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe.

What is panspermia?

It is the hypothesis that life on Earth originated from microorganisms from outer space.