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Q: How likely are you to get dry socket if you smoke after 24 hours?
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If you already have dry sockets and have medicated numbing gauze inserted is it ok to smoke?

It is likely that the smoking caused the dry sockets. The suction created when you smoke can cause the blood clot to loosen and create a dry socket. If you continue to smoke, even with the gauze in place, you may continue to have problems.

What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?

Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

Are there ways for a hard core smoker to smoke without getting a dry socket after wisdom teeth surgery?

First of all, it will be tempting to smoke, but wait AT LEAST 48 hours. It's vital during these first two days to let the blood clot settle. Myself, I smoke marijuana and I smoked 36 hours, but I took very light hits and barely sucked in. I'm lucky to not get dry socket, but for those unfortunate, smoking is a main cause. If, after 48 hours, you must smoke, try and take very small drags and don't suck too hard. Many people ignore these warnings and end up getting dry socket OUCH!

Can you smoke if you have a dry socket already What are the dangers?

the same as if you smoke regularly.

If you have medicine for dry socket in your mouth can you smoke a cigarette?

It's definitely not smart to smoke a cigarette with dry socket. As the socket tries to heal and reclot, smoking can prolong the healing process even more. Many dry sockets are believed to be caused by smoking initially, so just quit for a while and let it heal.

Can you smoke with gauze in your mouth covering the extration?

no man don't do that youll get a dry socket

How does smoking cause dry socket?

sucking the cigarette (like a straw) is what causes the dry socket. just like a straw can cause dry socket, cigarettes basically do the same thing. it is recommended to wait 3-5 days to smoke a cigarette after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.

How long after extraction can you smoke?

Supposed to be a couple days to help prevent dry socket something to do with the suction or even using a straw, but I think everybody does. Do some searching on dry socket dental for more. . .

Is smoke bad for a root canal?

Smoking has no effect on root canal therapy, or endodontic therapy.Previously a poster wrote that smoking had caused dry socket. Dry socket is a sequela to an extraction; smoking can adversely influence the healing status of the socket of an extracted tooth.

You want to smoke but you just had your wisdom teeth pulled?

No if you do you will get dry socket and that is the most painful experience I ever had. Getting the wisdom teeth out was nothing compared to the dry socket. I fell down in the shower with pain and I had to go to the doctor everyday to get novacaine packed in my tooth it was so painful please dont smoke or drink through a straw after surgery.

If you have a full mouth extraction due to bone loss how likely is it that you will develop dry socket?

A dry socket occurs when a blood clot does not form. You can also "remove" a blood clot with activities such as sucking through a straw, swishing to had with water or mouth rinse or smoking. So after an extraction you need to be very careful for at least 24-48 hours

Can you smoke weed 36 hours after getting you wisdom teeth pulled?

I just got my wisdom teeth pulled as well about that long ago and was wondering the same thing, but everywhere I have looked it says a minimum of 48 hours to prevent dry socket. Sounds like 72 hours is best though....... Oh well...