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Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

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Q: What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?
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When can youb smoke after having the 2 top wisdom teeth out?

You should probably wait 2 weeks at least otherwise you could get dry socket (which can be caused by smoking).

What happens if you smoke marijuana after getting your wisdom teeth removed?

Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.

You want to smoke but you just had your wisdom teeth pulled?

No if you do you will get dry socket and that is the most painful experience I ever had. Getting the wisdom teeth out was nothing compared to the dry socket. I fell down in the shower with pain and I had to go to the doctor everyday to get novacaine packed in my tooth it was so painful please dont smoke or drink through a straw after surgery.

Should you Smoke pot with surgery on your wisdom teeth?

Maybe my answer is more of an opinion, but NO, you should not smoke pot, At All... However, if you do smoke anything, to avoid getting dry sockets, you should not after having surgery on your wisdom teeth, at least not within 48 to 72 hours.

How does smoking cause dry socket?

sucking the cigarette (like a straw) is what causes the dry socket. just like a straw can cause dry socket, cigarettes basically do the same thing. it is recommended to wait 3-5 days to smoke a cigarette after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.

When is it ok to smoke anything after having 2 bottom wisdom teeth pulled?

5 - 10 days after being taken out.

Safest way to smoke after wisdom teeth?

I smoke. It's best to not to take big puffs. If you can drag smaller than you normally do you'll be ok. Try to smoke by holding your lips very lightly around the cigarette so some air mixes with it. If you smoke as normal you might get a dry socket & that is very painful. See if you can smoke less for the first 24 hours.

Can you smoke weed after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

you are advised not to smoke anything, drink with a straw or use instruments that involve blowing at this creates pressure in the mouth which can dislodge the blood clot that has formed after surgery and cause dry socket.

When getting a normal tooth not a wisdom tooth pulled is it okay to smoke a cigarette?

I heard it can cause a "dry socket" and a pal of mine was advised not to smoke until his gums healed. It makes since if you want to keep bacteria from the smoke infecting your mouth/gums. Better to be safe than sorry. You shouldn't need to smoke if they give you decent enough pain killers anyway. Those will knock you out and you won't even remember to smoke.

Can you smoke if you have a dry socket already What are the dangers?

the same as if you smoke regularly.

Can you smoke weed 36 hours after getting you wisdom teeth pulled?

I just got my wisdom teeth pulled as well about that long ago and was wondering the same thing, but everywhere I have looked it says a minimum of 48 hours to prevent dry socket. Sounds like 72 hours is best though....... Oh well...

Are there ways for a hard core smoker to smoke without getting a dry socket after wisdom teeth surgery?

First of all, it will be tempting to smoke, but wait AT LEAST 48 hours. It's vital during these first two days to let the blood clot settle. Myself, I smoke marijuana and I smoked 36 hours, but I took very light hits and barely sucked in. I'm lucky to not get dry socket, but for those unfortunate, smoking is a main cause. If, after 48 hours, you must smoke, try and take very small drags and don't suck too hard. Many people ignore these warnings and end up getting dry socket OUCH!