

How lond is a average life time of a cow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How lond is a average life time of a cow?
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What is the average age of an Indian cow?

The average age of an Indian cow is about the same length as any other cows. The average life expectancy is anywhere from 12 to 25 years.

What is the breeding life span of a cow?

Life long. A cow will continue to breed until she can't anymore, no matter what age she is. But as an average the breedig life would be between 7 to 12 years.

How heavy is a average beef cow?

the average beef cow is 1,333lbs

How many pounds of meat on average cow?

It depends on how much this "average" cow weighs and whether you're referring to the amount of ready-to-eat meat on a cow or the hot-carcass weight of that "average" cow. It also depends on whether you're referring to a "cow" or a cow, its type and breed.

What is the average lifespan of a Bromham cow?

There is no such breed as a "Bromham" cow.

How many calves can a cow produce in her lifetime?

A cow can have anywhere from one to 20 calves in her lifetime, depending on how productive she is and how long she is able to stay in the herd to produce those calves. On average, a cow will produce eight calves in her lifetime. Cows that are used for embryo transfer can produce up to twice as many calves in her life time than she can by her own doing. The record number of calves a cow has had in her lifetime is 39.

What is the average milking period for a dairy cow?

A dairy cow is known as a cow by the time she's two years of age. The average age that a dairy cow is culled in America is around four to five years of age, however many cows have been known to live for 12 to 15 years, sometimes longer.

Why do people like cow meat?

People like cow meat because it is a natural craving of your satiticentre so people at some time in life will want meat.

How many gallons of milk does the average dairy cow produce in one day day?

The amount of milk given per milking depends on a lot of factors including the time of year, breed of cow, number of milkings per day..... but on average the commerical cow will give about 5 gallons per day.

How many glasses of milk cana cow produce in its life?

It is depend upon the life span of cow,

What is the life span of a angus?

An F1 Hereford-Angus cow should live to be at least 15 to 20 years of age, on average, if not more.

How many steaks make a cow?

About 100 steaks per average cow.