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Q: How long after Lincolns second presidential inauguration was he assassinated Dates and Months?
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What was Abraham Lincolns year of president?

Lincoln was elected in 1860, began serving in 1861, was re-elected in 1864, and assassinated April 15, 1865. He therefore served just a few months more than 4 years as President.

Why is inauguration 4 months after elections?

to allow time to put together an administration which can take control of the government the day of the inauguration

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No, there was not a turn upward in the months immediately before Roosevelt's inauguration. In his first year office unemployment rose to 24.9%.

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Presidential ordinance can remain in force for how many months?

6 months

When is the time for the election of the President of the US?

The first Tuesday in November, approximately two and one half months prior to Inauguration Day, which is January 20th. The next presidential election will occur in November of 2012. The president-elect will be inaugurated on January 20, 2013.

What US President was assassinated after only four months in office?

James Garfield was the president that was assassinated only after four months in office. It happened on July 2, 1881.

President whose assassination after only a few months in office spurred?

James GarfieldQuestion not clear.Lincoln was assassinated a few months after being re-elected, but only a week or two after his second inauguration.President Garfield was assassinated a few months into the job in 1881.

How often do presidential dollars come out?

Every 3 months a new presidential dollars are released.

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What day does the president take office after being elected?

that i think it is about 20 to 30 weeks that's wheen inauguration takes place HI WEEKS HAVEN'T FIGURED IT OUT BUT INAUGURATION IS JAN. 20. 2009

Does a inaguaration come before an election?

No. In the US, an election comes months before a President is sworn in at his inauguration.