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I recently had a tetanus shot and the nurse told me that my arm would be sore for up to three days.

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Q: How long after a tetanus shot will severe arm muscle pain last?
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Why does your arm hurt when you touch it two hours after you get a vaccine?

The local tenderness and sometimes redness, swelling, and hardness in the area where a flu vaccine has been given is the most common side effect of the injection. It is the local muscle tissue noticing and reacting to the "foreign invaders" in the vaccine (the virus particles in the vaccine). Although the invaders can't make you sick, they trick your body into thinking they can, so your body goes to work trying to increase circulation to the area and sending the immune system cells that fight viruses to the area. That response can make your arm sore. It can last for 2 to 3 days, and sometimes it is even worse the second day. Don't try to avoid moving the arm, using it will help it get better faster, so work through the discomfort and use it normally as much as you can. You may find it helps to put a moist warm compress (washcloth or something similar) on the area that hurts for 20 minutes and see if it makes it feel better.

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How long after the tetanus shot does the redness pain and swelling last.?

No longer than 3 or 4 days.

Can cardiacmuscle be tetanize?

No. One of themost interesting feartures of cardiac muscle is that it has a long refractory period and so conduction cant be continuous and so tetanus is impossible.

Is horse serum used in tetanus vaccine?

No, and it never was. The tetanus vaccine only contains human immunoglobulin. There is something called tetanus anti-toxin that can be produced in horses or sheep. If you have a puncture wound and have never been immunized or it has been over 10 years since your last booster shot, your doctor may give you a shot of this antitoxin. It's like giving antivenom for a snakebite. This anti-toxin shot is NOT the same as the tetanus vaccine. It doesn't last long in your system, so it does not confer tetanus immunity.

What causes tingling in the legs?

This can be a type of parasomnia event known as a hypnic jerk. You may be falling asleep and then your body or leg jerks for seemingly no reason. It may be startling the first few times it happens, but it is normal and mostly harmless. I say mostly because you could pull a muscle. Now, if you have severe jerking, pulling, tightness in body parts, and particularly difficulty in moving the head and jaw, it could be a medical emergency, especially if you suffered a recent puncture wound or deep lacerating injury. Those symptoms can be consistent with a tetanus infection. If you have had tetanus shots, the symptoms could be mild to moderate, but if you are not vaccinated for tetanus, then it can be severe. Severe tetanus can cause muscle tearing, tendon damage, and dislocation injuries. Someone with severe tetanus would be having a medical emergency and may need to be placed in intensive care. Tetanus shots at that point may be beneficial, though it may be too late to help. Care for severe tetanus may include being given a paralytic drug to cause paralysis while the infection clears, and if one is given such a drug, it would mean being placed on a ventilator to breathe for the patient, since the breathing muscles would be paralyzed as long as the drug is administered.

How long does a locked jaw last?

Lockjaw also known as Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that effects your body's central nervous system. To get the tetanus bacteria it has to enter your body through open wounds. Symptoms of it can last 3-4 weeks but complete recovery can take several months.

How long does tetnus injections last for?

You should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. If you work in an environment where you are more likely to get injured, you should get them every 5 years. If you get a wound that is deep or gets dirty then you should get a tetanus shot if it has been more than 5 years since your last one.

How long does a second degree torn muscle pain last?

1 day:)

How long does the muscle pain last with the flu and what can you do to relieve it?

Muscle pain in flu generally last for 3 to 5 days. Your physician will give you analgesics to relieve pain and fever.

How long does tetanus shot side effects last?

the actual shot is suppose to last around ten years, as long as the subject has been treated along the way of their life . that's from what I've read. i recommend that you consult a doctor though .

How long is a Tetanus shot valid?

12 months