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Q: How long after applying lime can you apply fertilizer?
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How long after you apply 32-3-8 fertilizer can pets go back on the turf?

It should be watered in and dried

How do you neutralize fertilizer?

If you mean you've recently added too much fertilizer, you can apply LOTS of water to dilute and flush away the excess, if not all of it. If it's been too long, the grass (or whatever) will probably absorb too much and there may be nothing you can do to prevent the plant from suffering or dying. You can also apply lime to raise the pH level, which will likely be lowered by the excessive fertilizer. And it should be a given that you get a soil test done. (I did a simple web search on "soil testing" with my city name and got lots of free local resources for testing.)

Can starter fertilizer harm established grass?

No, fertilizer should almost always be good for grass as long as you don't apply too much. Many times starter fertilizer is actually weaker than regular fertilizer as they don't want to damage the seeds/young sprouts before they take hold.

Does applying lime juice makes skin darker?

No,. The only thing it will do is make you smell like a lime Actually it may damage your skin with long term use. The skin only darkens through tanning and depending on the type of skin you have long term tanning can cause damage and skin cancer.

How long after a bankruptcy can you apply for credit?

Do not worry about applying for credit after bankruptcy. The applications will come to you before the ink on the court documents has dried.

Is Lime a short I sound?

No, the word "lime" has a long vowel sound for the letter "i".

How long does it take to apply for car insurance in the UK?

In the United Kingdom, one can apply for car insurance online or in person over the counter and get immediate coverage. If applying by mail, it will take longer.

How long does it take a lime tree to produce a lime?

About 2 years.

What fertilizer do you give viburnum?

Long-term, slow release fertilizer at the beginning of Spring.

Can you apply and draw Social Security after you have applied for unemployment?

Yes, you can apply and draw SS after applying for unemployment or vice versa as long as you qualify for each of them by their own criteria. As they are 2 different programs, they do not interfere with each other.

How long does a bag of fertilizer last?

About a month.

What neutralizes acidic soil?

If you mean you've recently added too much fertilizer, you can apply LOTS of water to dilute and flush away the excess, if not all of it. If it's been too long, the grass (or whatever) will probably absorb too much and there may be nothing you can do to prevent the plant from suffering or dying. You can also apply lime to raise the pH level, which will likely be lowered by the excessive fertilizer. And it should be a given that you get a soil test done. (I did a simple web search on "soil testing" with my city name and got lots of free local resources for testing.)