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Q: How long after conception is a pregnancy detectable?
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How long after conception can a pregnancy test work?

From conception to the birth..depending on the expiration date on test....

How long after conception should you take a pregnancy test?

11 days

How long after sperm meets egg can you tell your pregnant by a test?

Conception occurs when the egg and sperm join, it can take 7 to 10 days past conception for the fertilized egg to travel from the fallopian tubes to the uterus where the embryo will implant into the lining. After implantation it may take three or four days for the body to produce detectable levels of hCG. Every woman and every pregnancy are different, but 10 to 14 days after conception most women will have a positive pregnancy test.

How long until the pregnancy test shows positive?

about 1O-14 days after conception.

How long in days does the average human pregnancy last From conception to birth?

266 days.

How long after conception do you know if you are pregnant?

The earliest you can take a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after sex. It takes 2 weeks until conception has finished.

What is conception?

Fertilization or pregnancy.

How long does it take to know if you are pregnant or not?

Modern home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate and can detect the chemical markers for pregnancy about 6-12 days after conception. There are (more expensive, laboratory only) tests that are able to detect pregnancy as little as 48 hours after conception. If you're asking how long it takes to take the test ... not long at all, maybe 15 minutes.

Is sore tingling nipples a sign of pregnancy and how long after conception will you start to notice this symptom?

Yes. This is a sign of pregnancy. But it is also a sign of your period about to come. Most women say they notice this symptom between 2-5 weeks after conception.

How long is the gestation period for a beagle?

The average Dog pregnancy lasts for around 9 weeks from time of conception.

What is the difference between teenage pregnancy and teenage conception?

Isn't teenage pregnancy actually when the girl carries the baby for nine months, and teenage conception just the same as any other conception, when they have sex?

How long time to be taken for pregnancy after sexual intercourse?

The quickest conception can occur following sex is about a half-hour. However it can be as long as several days.