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Home pregnancy tests (HPT) works by detecting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG.) When an egg is fertilized, it takes about 6 to 12 days to implant in the uterus, and then it begins to secrete hCG. It takes another day or two for enough hCG to build up and make its way into your urine. Generally speaking, the earliest you can expect a positive HPT is 8 days past ovulation ("DPO") and the latest would be about 16 DPO. It is possible to get a positive test earlier or later, but not as common.

In my experience, if you use a sensitive "early" test (anything that detects 25 mIU/mL of hCG or less) you can test around 10 to 12 days DPO and feel reasonably secure with your results (the later you test, the more secure you can feel in its accuracy.)

Note: some HPT's say "test 5 days before your period is due!". Please note they are assuming a textbook 28-day cycle, with ovulation on Day 14. "5 days before your period is due" thus really "translates" to 10 DPO.

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Q: How long after implantation bleeding stops can you take a pregnancy test?
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How long after implantation bleeding will a positive test result?

I believe it may take 2-5 days in order to allow the pregnancy hormones to build up to a level where they can be detected by a home pregnancy test. Having said that, I took a pregnancy test within hours of having an implantation bleed with my son and it appeared positive within seconds!

I didnt get my period last month and i took 2 pregnancy test and both came out positive What are the chances that im not pregnant?

I'm not a doctor, but I sincerely have to say "not good". The fact that both pregnancy tests say positive, as long as you did them right, then your mathematical chances are all but 100%.

What does it mean if your 2 days late for your period?

It doesn't mean anything - unless you use fertility awareness method you cannot know for certain when your period is due, you can oly predict when your period is due based on past cycles. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle length is considered totally normal. As long as there's no risk of pregnancy there's no reason to worry about a few days 'late' from when you were expecting your period - if there is a risk of pregnancy then take a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease.

What does it mean when you come on your period twice in one month?

It means just that - you came on your period twice in one month - it's no more complicated than that. If this was your period, and not your period plus some other vaginal bleeding caused by something else, then it is normal to bleed twice in one month occasionally. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days and as most months have more than 28 days if your cycle is this long or shorter you will see yourself bleeding twice in some months.

Why is your period lasting more than 8 days?

It could signify a hormone imbalance, if you are in pre or perimenopause. It's quite normal as your hormones shift to have irregular periods and periods that last a long time with heavy bleeding/clotting. If you go through more than one pad in an hour's time, or if you have clots the size of a baseball or larger, you should contact your OB/GYN.

Related questions

How long after implantation bleeding stops will you be able to do a pregnancy test?

Implantation bleeding only last a couple of days and only occurs shortly after conception. Answer 1-3 days

How long does light bleeding in early pregnancy last?

Light bleeding in the first few weeks of pregnancy is also called implantation bleeding. It can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days. It will be extremely light if it is indeed implantation bleeding. Women can experience very light "periods" during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

if you get your implantation bleeding on your period day how long you should wait to test your pregnancy?

3 days after your period

How long after intercourse do you have implantation bleeding?

Up to 5-7 days Implantation bleeding occurs. But, Everybody is Diffrent.

You had a little bleeding on CD29 and there has been nothing since so can that be implantation bleeding and how long should you wait to test?

7 days after implantation it is possible to show positive on a pregnancy test. If it's negative, wait a few days and test again.

Implantation Bleeding mean a definite pregnancy I had it after a week after i had sex. my periods due today .. negative test.?

No long duistance answer - see a doctor.

How long after implantation bleeding can you find out if you are pregnant?

Within about 5-7 days you should get a positive on a home pregnancy test. Once you experience implantation bleeding you can find out if you're pregnant by doing a pregnancy test about 2-3 weeks later. you can take a pregnancy test as early as 3 or 4 days before your period is due implantations bleeding if you get it doesn't always mean your pregnant cause i got it on the 2nd may then got periods so .... if everyone who had implantation bleeding then i would be having a period while pregnant won't I

For how long is normal to have cramps in early pregnancy?

Unfortunately there are several reasons contributing to cramping during pregnancy. They can be due to gas, constipation, implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage,vanishing twin syndrome, or pre-term labor.

How long after implantation bleeding would a woman begin to feel pregnancy symptoms?

Every woman is different and responds differently to being pregnant I began to have symptoms about a week and a half after implantation bleeding I began to have morning sickness( not fun) hope this helps, Good luck and God Bless!!!

How long was your implantation bleeding?

1 1/2 days

How long does implantation bleeding last after you get pregnant?

Not long, every person is different.

Would a day after implantation bleeding be too early for a positive home pregnancy test?

Yes. You need to wait until you've missed a period No, not necessarily. I got an instant positive on 3 different HPT's exactly 24 hours after I had implantation bleeding, 4 days before my period was due. The implantation bleeding doesn't always "come out" when implantation occurs, it can take a couple of days, and depending on how fast your body produces the hcg will depend on how long it takes to get a positive.