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A successfully completed RCT ensures that your tooth is no longer live.

Rct is done on tooth that are already dead or that do not have a realistic possibility of staying alive and fully and practically functional.


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Q: How long after root canal treatment on a tooth should it take to deaden the tooth?
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When should a crown be put in after a root canal?

In general, you should have this done as soon as possible, especially if it's a posterior (back) tooth like a molar or premolar. A tooth that has had root canal treatment becomes more subject to fracturing.

What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

If the tooth is not saved by doing root canal treatment on time then tooth continue to break and harbour bacteria killing the nerve and causing pulpitis which is the infection of the soft tissue inside the root of the tooth. Ultimately tooth gets so terrible that it has to be taken out.

4 year old has decay in upper front tooth should tooth be removed or root canal?

If the tooth can be saved with a root canal (pulpotomy) or other treatment, it should be done. The adult tooth that will replace this baby tooth may not erupt until the child is six or seven years old, and the dental arch may shrink if the baby tooth is lost too soon. This will lead to problems when the adult tooth erupts and the child may require extensive and expensive orthodontic treatment to correct the problems.

Do you have to have a root canal if the tooth dies?

Yes. If the nerve inside of a tooth dies, it is prone to infection (if not infected already). Root canal treatment should prevent or resolve this infection. A tooth may die for various reasons such as: decay, trauma, extensive wear/grinding/abrasion.

Is it secure to root canal the tooth of a 4 years baby?

If you want your baby to have healthy and perfectly aligned permanent teeth, then yes, get that root canal treatment done. The reason behind this is that, if your dentist has suggested a root canal treatment then the condition of the tooth is already bad. the first tooth to naturally fall off in kids is at the age of 6. So, to preserve the space of the successors to come this milk tooth should be there. Also, if the milk tooth has infection it can harm the permanent tooth underneath it.

Do dentists remove the root of a tooth when a root canal is performed?

Yes, They do remove it. The reason for getting a tooth treated with the root canal treatment is because of the cavity of the teeth which has reached its root level and has started causing pain. Hence it is removed and treatment is completed by covering the infected tooth with the crown.

What is the best dental clinic for root canal treatment in Chennai?

Root canal treatment also referred to as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure aimed at preserving a severely infected or decayed tooth. In Chennai, this procedure involves removing the infected pulp from the inner part of the tooth, meticulously cleaning and disinfecting the canals, and ultimately sealing them to prevent further infection. Typically performed by a dentist or an endodontist, who specializes in treating the innermost portion of the tooth, root canal treatment is crucial for salvaging the affected tooth and alleviating associated pain and discomfort. A grasp the significance of root canal treatment in Mogappair, it's important to understand the tooth's structure.

What risks are associated with root canal treatment?

There is a possibility that the root canal treatment will not be successful the first time. If infection and inflammation recur and an x ray indicates retreatment is feasible, the old filling material is removed and the canals are thoroughly cleaned out.

which dental are best for root Canal in Roorkee?

Best Dentist for Root canal treatment in Roorkee. Dental Square, offers this treatment to their patients. During a root canal procedure, the dentist will remove the damaged or infected portion of the tooth's pulp, which is the soft tissue located inside the tooth. At Dental Square in Roorkee, patients can expect a comfortable and professional experience during their root canal treatment. If you have a dental problem book your appointment today. Best Dentist for root canal treatment in Roorkee.

Could a capped tooth that is throbbing and painful to the touch but has no swelling be a tooth infection?

it could, the root canal treatment may have failed. ________________________________ Yes, this is possible and it sounds as though the tooth is infected or cracked. You should consult with your dentist. -Thornhill Dentist

Is it right to extract a tooth with a root canal treatment simply because without nerves the tooth is considered dead and assumed to have a negative effect on one's overall health?

No. Firstly, a tooth that has had root canal treatment is not dead. The tooth still receives nourishment and support from the tissues around it and does not fall out. It remains held in place by surrounding ligaments. Sobek

Is composite core build up of root canal treatment contraindicated immediately?

Yes, a buildup is contraindicted immediately after a Root Canal Treatment. Primarily you want to make sure that root canal treatment is asymptomatic before placing any permanent restorations on the tooth. If the dentist or endodontist needs to re-enter the tooth bec. the root canal continues to give problems (pain, formation of abscess) it would be easier to remove the temporary filling. Should leave the temp. filling for 2 weeks and then if asymptomatic then do composite Buildup.