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Q: How long after start c-pap treatment for sleep apnea do you start feeling better?
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What are the treatments for infant sleep apnea?

Infant Apnea Monitor, is the most common treatment

Where can someone get sleep apnea treatment?

As of right now, people can access sleep apnea treatment in locations such as the Oxygen Pillow for patented design breathing aids. Also, there is the Mayo Clinic where treatment is available.

Can anyone tell me some facts and ideas about sleep apnea treatment?

Sleep apnea could be dangerous. Some people with sleep apnea sleep with an oxygen mask on to avoid risks. What you are describing is not sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is about abnormal rhythm in breathing while asleep. Falling asleep while talking to people is another case.

What steps are taken in the treatment of Sleep Apnea?

The first step in treating Sleep Apnea is finding out the cause. For most people the cause is being overweight and losing that weight would be the first step in treating Sleep Apnea.

What treatment options are available for someone suffering from sleep apnea?

A treatment a doctor might give a patient who is suffering from sleep apnea is a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine, and the doctor might recommend the patient lose weight. The majority of people who have sleep apnea are overweight or obese.

Can hypnosis cure sleep apnea?

No. Hypnosis can be used for treatment of psychological conditions such as slepplessness due to anxiety, but sleep apnea is a physical condition. Trying to treat sleep apnea with hypnosis would be like trying to cure a heart condition with hypnosis - it's just the wrong kind of treatment.

What type of sleep apnea is treated with mechanical ventilators?

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, the most successful treatment is nighttime use of a ventilator, called a CPAP machine. used to treat both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

What different types of treatment for sleep apnea is there?

Obstructive sleep apnea cause when soft tissues relax and collapse block breathing and thus preventing inhaled air from reaching the lungs Next Central sleep apnea cause when brain doesn't send signals through lungs however when breathing passage is open it would not reach air sacs called alveoli thus leading to falling asleep

Treatment for central sleep apnea?

Causes of central sleep apnea include various severe and life-threatening lesions of the lower brainstem, which controls breathing. Examples include bulbar poliomyelitis , a form of polio affecting the brainstem.

What would be the ideal treatment for sleep apnea?

Treatment for sleep apnea should always be based on the individual so the ideal treatment will vary. Possible treatments include CPAP, MRS or surgery. Life style changes such as weight loss can also be recommended.

What are common sleep apnea symptoms?

Common symptoms of sleep apnea can include snoring, feeling unusually tired during the day, a sore throat, dry mouth, and a morning headache. The most prominent symptom of sleep apnea is when breathing stops while sleeping.

What is the most common treatment for someone with sleep apnea?

To treat sleep apnea, it is wise to stop using alcohol and tobacco. These substances relax the throat muscles and sleep apnea may continue on. Sleeping on the side and losing weight are also simple treatments for this disorder.