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a female liger's reproduction is as long as a tigeress,105 days if it mated with a male tiger she'll produce a ti-liger if with a male lion she'll produce a li-liger fyi ti-ligers are alot more common than li-liger.

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Q: How long are Female ligers reproduction?
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Related questions

What are ligers like?

Ligers are part female tiger with a male lion to get I liger

What is a ligers breeding?

Ligers are hybrids and the result of captive breeding. They are the offspring produced from cross breeding a male lion with a female tiger.

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What is ligers domain?

A liger is a hybrid of a male lion and a female tiger.

How long a ligers tongue?

10 inches long.

How long is a ligers tongue?

10 inches long.

How long is a ligers claw?

about 2 inches long

How much does a liger weigh?

Female ligers attain great size, weighing approximately 700 lb (320 kg) and reaching 10 feet (3.05 m) long on average.

What is the mix for a liger?

Ligers are a mixture between a male lion and a female tiger.

How long is a ligers life?

15 years

Can Ligers breed?

A "Liger" is cross-breed between a male lion and a female tiger. Ligers cannot make other ligers. As a general rule, the offspring of two different species are sterile and cannot reproduce (the only exceptions are between species that are very closely related, like lynx and bobcats). Ligers, the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger are closely enough related that a female liger is usually fertile, but a male liger is not. The same holds true for Tions or Tigons, which are the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion. Female tigons are usually fertile while male tigons are not fertile.

Why don't we see ligers out in wild?

Ligers are hybrids only found in captivity. They are the end result of mans curiosity, cross breeding a male lion and female tiger.