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33 feet long

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Q: How long are all kind giant squids?
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Related questions

How do giant squids eat?

They have a beak underneath all of their appendages.

Where do giant squids live?

Where do giant squids live? This has been a long standing question of scientists and the general public alike, but the natural habitat of giant squids, scientifically referred to as Architeuthis dux, is believed to be mostly found in oceanicdepths that reach 660 to 2300 feet or 200 to 700 meters deep. Scientists also believe that giant squids live mainly in water regions where sperm whales are found, and giant squid specimens found washed up on the shores around the globe have led scientists to believe that giant squids are found in almost every water region of the planet that reach such depths.A Japanese crew has also documented giant squids live in action in its natural habitat, and this has proved the existence of the world's largest invertebrate to the entire world. Giant-Squids.Com offers rare giant squid pictures and even videos, and this site also provides detailed and technically accurate information on the places where giant squids live and a comprehensive introduction to the types of giant squids. Thus, you should go to Giant-Squids.Com for all you need to know about giant squids.

Where do giant squids breath from?

Giant squid, like all other squid, have gills. So they "breathe" from them.

Is a giant squid an amphibian?

All Squids are animals from the Class Cephalopoda of the Phylum Mollusca. Squids are not mammals, although bear in mind that all mammals are animals too, just from a different Phylum, Phylum Chordata.

Do all animals in the ocean live in groups?

no giant squids never travel in groups

How many Giant squids have you lost?

None mate. Still got em all.

Do all squids get giant?

No. Most squid are fairly small; there is only the one species that gets so large it is called a giant squid.

Are whales and squids rare?

"rare" is a relative term. Whales in general have faced dramatic decline due to industrialization and hunting. Squids are generally not considered rare. Giant squids are "rare" simply because it is difficult to find them. There is no easy way of counting all of the individuals in the world.

What are the oceans squids live in?

Squids live all over the world, in oceans and in lakes.

Are all squids female?

no there are both male and femals squids. give me trust point? (:

Giant squid habitat?

Giant squids live in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean. Many scientist believe that giant squid like to live in cold water and could actually suffocate in warm water. They tend to live about 5,500 meters below the surface. They live in deep ocean trenches.

In which oceans do squids live?

All of them.