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Q: How long are black swallowtails in the cocoon?
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How long to black swallowtails live?

It lives up to 1 year or less.

Does the swallowtail butterfly live in Florida?

Yes. Zebra swallowtails, Eastern Tiger swallowtails, Spicebush swallowtails and Black swallowtails, just to name a few, are all native to Florida.

How long for a swallowtail to emerge from its cocoon?

Black Swallowtail butterflies stay in their cocoon for 9 to 11 days.

What butterflies are attracted to butterfly weed?

Tiger Swallowtails, Black Swallowtails, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, Great Spangled Fertility, Cabbage, and Sulfur butterflies. Just to name a few.

After a cocoon for a monarch butterfly turns completely black how long will it be before it hatches?

Just so you know, it's called a chrysalis, not a cocoon. They are very different structures for very different creatures.

What does a Swallowtail look like?

Swallowtails are colorful butterflies ranging in size from two inches to well over five inches. Swallowtails also have tail like "spoons" or "swords" coming from the bottom of the wing. Swallowtails make up the family papilionidae which includes the large birdwings which are the largest butterflies in the world with wingspans up to one foot.

How do you take care of a Black Swallowtail Caterpillar?

when I had one i kept its cage clean and it eats most plants [non poisonous] and they love carrots. I gave mine carrot shreds and they love it. after this for a while they pupate. [go into a cocoon] and eventually they hatch as adult black swallowtails. Remember to let them stretch their wings before they can fly. Sorry if too much info...

What does an adult black swallowtail eat?

Adult black swallowtails feed on nectar from phlox, butterfly weed, red clover and thistle.

How does a black swallowtail camouflage?

Depending on their habitat, black swallowtails will make their chrysalis whatever color that appropriately matches the area they pupate on.

Are there black swallowtail butterflies in the US?

Yes. Black swallowtails are found throughout North America and this species of butterfly is the state butterfly of Oklahoma.

How long does a cocoon take to become a caterpiller?

a cocoon cant turn into a caterpiller because a caterpiller turns into a cocoon then turns into a butterfly

Which caterpillar has a red cocoon?

The length of the cocoon stages depends on the type of caterpillar. For Monarch butterflies it is 10 days long.