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A spider is an araneae, an order of arachnid. There are many thousand different kinds of Spiders. All spiders have eight legs. Most spiders have eight eyes but some have fewer than eight. They don't have ears, they feel the sound vibrations with tiny hairs on their legs. Their bodies have two parts, the head and the abdomen. The abdomen is plump. Spider blood is light blue. Blood fills up all the empty space in the spider's body, it helps to keep the legs stiff so the spider can walk. Spiders breathe, too. As spiders grow, they molt. That means they shed their old skin and grow a new one. They molt many times before they become adults. Many spiders live for only one year but some, like tarantulas can live much longer. Spiders come in different sizes. Some are fuzzy and others are smooth, and they come in many different colors. Spiders live in many different kinds of places, water, gardens, houses, and the ground. They live where it is hot and where it is cold. They live where it is wet and where it is dry. Some are poisonous and others are not. They all eat insects and some other animals. Read more about some of our favorite spiders.

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All spiders except daddy long legs because they aren't spiders.

How long do wolf spiders live?

A wolf spider can live up to 5 years.

Are wolf spiders endangered?

No, wolf spiders are not an endangered species.

What is the difference between a spider and a daddy long legs?

Spiders usually have two body-parts while daddy long-legs have only one. Daddy long-legs have a teeny body with very long and thin legs, hence the name. Some spiders might have long legs and small body but you'll never find one as scrawny as the daddy long-legs. You can find daddy long-legs in groups sometimes while spiders are always alone. Spiders defend themselves by biting. Daddy long-legs spit acid and cannot bite, they're fangs are too small to penetrate skin.

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No. They have no setae( pin-like structures in a spiders legs) and they are not spiders. This is not a myth this is facts (I used my common sense)