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This is a reference to the Nativity story in Luke's Gospel, since in Matthew's Gospel, Mary and Joseph lived in Bethlehem and had probably never been to Nazareth.

Luke 2:22 says that when the days of purification for Mary were completed, after the birth of Jesus, they took Jesus to Jerusalem to present him at the Temple, then 2:39 says that when they had accomplished these things they returned home to Nazareth. They would probably have begun their journey forty days after the birth of Jesus.

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Q: How long before Mary and Joseph returned to Nazareth from Bethlehem?
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Where did Mary and Joseph live after their marriage?

Nazareth, I think.they lived in Egypt for many years then returned to nazerethAnswerAfter marriage, before Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary lived in; Judea according to Matthew. orGalilee according to Luke

Where did Mary and Joseph live with Jesus?

Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth before Jesus was born. Following Jesus' birth, they fled to Egypt to escape King Herod's order to kill all male infants in Bethlehem. They later resettled in Nazareth after returning from Egypt.

Is the Blessed Virgin Mary from Bethlehem or Nazareth?

----------------------- Luke's Gospel gives the home of Mary and Joseph as Nazareth. Matthew's Gospel suggests that their home was in Bethlehem before the flight to Egypt, but after their return to Judea, they turned aside and moved to Nazareth, out of the fear of King Herod's son.

When did the Virgin Mother Mary live in Nazareth?

Matthew's Gospel Bethlehem was the home town of Joseph and Mary. After the birth of Jesus they fled to Egypt, for fear of King Herod. They returned after some years, following the death of Herod, but being warned in a dream, turned aside and went to Nazareth in Galilee. This journey would have taken place some time after 4 BCE and before Archelaus was deposed in 6 CE.Luke's GospelNazareth was the home town of Joseph and Mary. Shortly after the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, they went to Jerusalem to present Jesus in the Temple, then returned home immediately to Nazareth. According to this gospel, Mary probably always lived in Nazareth, apart from the family's short absence in Bethlehem.

Where did Mary and Joseph live after the birth of Jesus?

------------------------ In Luke's Gospel, Mary and Joseph lived together in Nazareth until the census for which they went to Bethlehem. They returned via Jerusalem to Nazareth just forty days after the birth of Jesus, and continued to live there, travelling to Jerusalem each year for the Passover. In Matthew's Gospel, Bethlehem was the home town of Mary and Joseph. Some time after the birth of Jesus, they fled to Egypt and appear to have lived there for several years until King Herod died. They began the return journey to Bethlehem but, being warned in a dream, turned aside and travelled to Nazareth in Galilee. From this time, they lived together in Nazareth.

Where did Mary and Joseph lived before Jesus was born?

AnswerIt is very unclear where Mary and Joseph lived before Jesus was born. The only sources we have on this are the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which appear to be in mutual disagreement.Luke's Gospel makes it clear that, in the author's view, Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth but travelled to Bethlehem where Jesus was born in a stable, there being no room in the inn. The young couple soon afterwards took Jesus to Jerusalem and then returned peacefully to Nazareth. There are some historical problems with this account, that make it seem doubtful.Matthew's Gospel seems to say that Mary and Joseph lived in a house in Bethlehem before Jesus was born. Afterr the visit by the magi, they fled to Egypt and remained there until the death of King Herod. They then returned to Judea, implying that this was indeed their home but, being warned by God in a dream, turned aside and travelled to Galilee, where they then dwelt in a city called Nazareth. From this, it seems at least unlikely that the young couple lived in Nazareth.We do not know where Mary and Joseph lived before Jesus was born.

What city did Joseph and Mary travel from?

A:There are two nativity stories in the New Testament, so the name of the town depends on which gospel story we refer to.In Matthew's Gospel, Mary and Joseph lived in a house in Bethlehem, just south of Jerusalem. When warned in a dream that King Herod sought to have Jesus killed, they travelled from Bethlehem to Egypt, for safety. After word of Herod's death reached them in Egypt, they began the return jouney to Bethlehem, but we are not told where they had been staying in Egypt. Before reaching Bethlehem, they were warned of further danger in Judea, so turned aside and travelled to Galilee, where they settled in a town called Nazareth (Matthew 2:23)In Luke's Gospel, Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, in Galilee. They travelled from there to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. A few weeks after the birth, they travlled back from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, to present Jesus at the Temple, then from Jerusalem back to their home in Nazareth.

In the bible story about thye first christmas why did mary and joseph go to the Bethlehem?

There are, as you know, two Bible stories about Christmas. The one in the gospel of St. Luke says that there was a census in Judea at the time and the people from Galilee were included. However, so the story goes, people were not to be counted in the place they actually lived, which for Mary and Joseph would have been Nazareth, but were required to go to the city associated with their ancestors, which in Joseph's case meant Bethlehem. (Luke 2:4) In St. Matthew's Gospel it is suggested that Joseph and Mary lived in Bethlehem to start out with. They were obliged to emigrate because they were warned that King Herod was planning to massacre all of the boy-children in Bethlehem and so went to Egypt. When they returned from Egypt, they did not go back to Bethlehem (they were still suspicious of the government) and instead settled in Nazareth (Matt 3:22-23) It is clear that they had never lived there before.

Did Mary and Joseph live together before they were married?

According to the Christian tradition, Mary and Joseph did not live together before they were married. They were betrothed, which was a formal arrangement before marriage, but they did not cohabit until after they were wed.

How did Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt from Nazareth if they went to Jerusalem?

Only in Matthew's Gospel. They fled to Egypt after the birth of Jesus, in fear of King Herod who sought to kill the baby Jesus. After the death of Herod, they began the return to their family home in Bethlehem, but turned aside and went to Nazareth instead. In Luke's Gospel, they did not flee to Egypt. After the birth of Jesus, they travelled from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, with no apparent fear of Herod, then returned peacefully to their family home in Nazareth.

Did the Blessed Virgin Mary live in Nazareth or Jerusalem?

AnswerLuke's Gospel gives the home of Mary and Joseph as Nazareth.Matthew's Gospel suggests that their home was in Bethlehem before the flight to Egypt, but after their return to Judea, they turned aside and moved to Nazareth, out of the fear of King Herod's son.

What town did Mary and Joseph come from?

AnswerMatthew's Gospel tells us that the Judean town of Bethlehem was the home town of Mary and Joseph. It was not until after the death of King Herod that they turned aside and travelled to Nazareth in Galilee, because it was still too dangerous for them in Judea.Luke's Gospel tells us that the Galilean town of Nazareth was the home town of Mary and Joseph. They only spent a short time in Bethlehem because of a census ordered by Caesar Augustus, through the Syrian governor, Quirinius (6-12 CE).