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Hens lay eggs without a rooster. It is only when the rooster fertilises the female's eggs that he will affect the egg production. (After fertilisation the hen will lay a clutch of fertile eggs which she will hatch.)

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16y ago

If a hen has incubated her eggs and they have hatched, and now she is looking after her chicks, she may not go back to laying eggs, she is now consumed with the task of caring for her chicks.

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6y ago

18-21 days

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Q: How long after being with a rooster do a hen start laying?
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Will it hurt for a rooster to eat layin pellets?

No The laying mash or pellets are fine for the rooster. There really is no way to stop the rooster from eating the same things you feed the hens other than keeping them separated. My hens are fed laying crumble all year long and the roosters thrive on it.

How long will a hen stay fertilized after the rooster is gone if the hen is laying an egg every day?

The hen will continue to lay fertilized eggs for up to 10 days after the last mating.

Do all chickens start laying eggs at 4 months?

No Various breeds will start to lay at different ages. Generally, most breeds will start between 4 and 6 months but can go as long as 8 months before laying their first egg.

I have a hen and 2 roosters a white rooster mated it one week and the red one is mating it now The hen started laying eggs when the eggs are hatched chicks belong to which rooster white or red?

It could be from either or both. The rooster deposits a sperm packet into the hen when mating and this slowly releases sperm as needed. One mating with an individual hen can last as long as ten days before needing to be replaced. Sperm from a second rooster would also be present. So, the hen could be producing fertile eggs from both roosters

Is a cokeral a rooster?

a cockeral is a male chicken under 1 year of age. A rooster is a chicken over 1 year of age. So in the long run, yes, a cockeral is a rooster

You just relocated your laying hens how long before they start to lay eggs again?

A disruption in routine can cause a slow down in egg production for as long as 10 days. Once the hens settle back in and find nesting boxes to their liking they will resume egg laying.

How big is rooster?

2 1/2 inches long

How long are laying hens normally kept for egg production before being culled?

Most of the popular egg laying breeds reach peak production of eggs at about 18 months old and are culled within the second year.

How long is the life expectancy of a banty rooster?

5 TO 7 YRS

How long does it take to raise a barred rock chicken?

It depends on what you mean by raise. Medium sized breeds will start laying around 6-8 months.

What is the length of a rooster in inches?

The length of a rooster can vary depending on the breed and individual bird. On average, a rooster can be around 18-20 inches long from head to tail. However, it is important to note that this measurement can vary and may not necessarily represent the full size or height of a rooster.

Is your chicken laying on her eggs too long?

yes, what can i do?