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Q: How long before the girl is done nursing the baby in virtual villagers 5?
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What is a nursery mother in virtual villagers origins?

A nursing mother is some that looks after a baby/babies and doesn't do any work until the baby/babies are grown up. by abbey

Can the chief on virtual villagers 3 have a baby?

Well, on my Virtual Villagers 3, I have tried to get the chief to have a baby 2 times and it hasn't worked. So my answer is no. But keep on trying!

What does it mean when one of your virtual villagers has more than one baby at a time?

you win

What is the hut for in virtual villager2?

In Virtual Villagers 2, there is nothing in the hut at the bottom left; it is only the love shack. If you try for a baby, the couple will go in there and either will or will not come out with a baby.

In Virtual Villagers 2 the nursing time is up but the baby isn't coming out help?

Ok. That happens to me all the time!!! Go to where you change your time on the computer. Then go forward about three minutes. You can change the time back later.

What happens in the love shack in virtual villagers?

The villagers increase in there parenting skills right away, then they both walk into the hut together. They have sexual intercourse with each other and soon they have a baby.

How do you remove the baby from the parent in virtual villagers 2?

You cant. You have to wait till the baby is old enough to separate from their mother. This applies to all the VV games

Can you get a golden child in virtual villagers 2?

You have to have level 3 fertility, and while a woman is nursing, drag her to where she is in the lagoon (the place where you had to clear the rocks) and when she is finished nursing, you have the golden child! you have to drag a nursing mother over to the lagoon pond

How do you have a baby on virtual villagers the tree of life?

You have to build the Honeymoon Hut first. Once you have it, turn one of your villagers on to parenting or drop a villager onto another and they will automatically go to the Honeymoon Hut. Don't forget to turn off the parenting skill option (especially if you have it set on a male villager). If you don't, before you know it, all the women in your village will be pregnant.

How do you make the mother stop nursing her baby on Virtual families?

You can't, you just have to wait 4 hours, then the child will be 2 years old and she will not nurse him or her anymore.

Can you have a villager baby of your own on minecraft?

No, you cant have a baby villager of your own, but you can get baby villagers in less than 10 seconds. All you have to do is find or spawn a villager, right click the villager as many times as you want, hit the villager, and you can have baby villagers (FYI, BABY VILLAGERS ARE VERY ANNOYING!)

How do you get a lot of people on the online version of Virtual Villagers 2?

The best way to get a lot of people is to mate two villagers. To get villagers to do this you must drag a male villager to a female villager, they may reject them a first but just mix pairs up and keep trying eventually it will work. The two crawl into a hut and come out later, the female carrying a baby NOTE:Both villagers must be old enough to do this, they must also be opposite gender