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The start time for symptoms associated with your period can vary with the individual, just like the actual amount of time your period lasts. Most people start getting cramps, becoming irritable, and experiencing breast tenderness during the week before the actual period starts.

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17y ago
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9y ago

PMS is a nonsense term, it's one used to group together any negative symptoms leading up to menstruation - that may not even include menstrual symptoms, it suggests that 'PMS' is normal or inevitable, and by framing menstruation negatively it has a negative affect on how women perceive their periods. If you have symptoms than say the symptoms, not PMS.

In theory you could experience symptoms up to two weeks before menstruation, it depends on your menstrual cycle, your health, and what symptoms you mean by 'PMS'.

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10y ago

Not eveeryone experiences PMS before their period, but many do simply because PMS is such a vague term - there are over 150 symptoms described as being PMS, they're so vague that even a man could be diagnosed with PMS!

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea of PMS, it's considered a sociological condition in that how society makes you feel about menstruation can effect how you experience menstruation - e.g. you think of PMS as a negative, so you attribute negative symptoms to menstruation and also consider this to be normal, or you feel less happy about menstruation so will be moody during menstruation. It's a good idea to learn about PMS and change your attitude to menstruation, identify what really is associated with menstruation - anything negative like cramps is preventable.

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9y ago

PMS stands for pre-menstrual stress. The symptoms of PMS can start between 5 and 11 days before your period occurs.

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12y ago

Yes I'm 13 and started my period about 5 months ago so I was late I had pms for about a week before a started my period Xx

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16y ago

probably about 2 weeks

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Q: How long before your minstral cycle can you PMS?
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How long before your period do you get signs of having a period?

Usually you get PMS symptoms about a week before your period is due to start.

How long can woman miss her pms in a few days or week?

Not long, it will only be a matter of time before it gets out of hand.

Is it normal for your breasts to be tender a week before your cycle?

Some women do experience this before their period. It's known as PMS. It can effect us all differently. But perform a pregnancy test.

How long can pms last before you get your period?

PMS is a completely meaningless term, it can include up to 150 symptoms which may actually have absolutely nothing to do with your period. Say for example you had acne, that doesn't necessary mean that you are due to get your period. Reject the term PMS, if you experience symptoms related to menstruation then address them separately rather than lumping them under the term PMS.

What if you stop taking birth control does it effect your period?

Yes it does. It takes a month or two before your cycle becomes normal again. If you had PMS before taking the pill it returns and your period may seem heavy for a time.

Can a tween experience PMS symptoms like bloating and cramping before they actually begin their first cycle?

Yes, it just means that they will be getting their period any time there after so you just have to be prepared.

Does taking Yaz birth control effect your menstrual cycle?

Yes it does it regulates it an it is supposed to reduce PMS.

What is tube cycle?

When you experience severe pms symptoms during your menstrual cycle following a tubal ligation. Commonly referred to as a "tube cycle". This term began in Alabama and has spread like wildfire.

What might be the causeI had an evacuation on the 24nth of march I had not see my period yet on the 13nth of April I had an . I started having serious cramp on the 17nth of April till on 20nth . I?

Since I don't know your average number of days of your cycle it seems to me that if you are on a 28 day cycle it would start from the 24th of March. So, this means you are within your cycle. The cramps are the PMS before your cycle.

Am having cramps below your stomach 10 days before your periods what is it?

That is probably PMS. PMS is premenstrual syndrome. This can cause irritability and cramps ect.

Do you pms get cramps and fart more before your first period?

You do get PMS, get cramps, but I'm not sure about the fart maybe you just ate to much beans yesterday:)

When do you know you are about to begin your menstrual cycle?

You will probably have some white discharge in your underwear, or have very sudden mood swings (PMS)