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Dont insult the poor kid. The toad will last a very short time before being digested & broken down by your stomachs acids. I don't believe it will ever be able to thrive within your stomach, who's acids can burn through floors, the frog would be like your dinner so will be digested in about 4-6 hours (probably more). Many animals eat their prey alive so it is possible but you will get a horrible stomach ache and probably throw up the frog. No the frog will not act like a tape worm but I'm positive that, that frog will die. Please don't eat a live frog and I do hope you are not planning on it either.

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Q: How long can a frog live in your stomach?
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Describe the inside wall of the stomach of a frog?

The inside of a frog's stomach has hard ridges. These hard ridges help mix the food with the digestive fluids when the stomach muscles churn the contents. The shape of these hard ridges is actually the shape of frog's stomach.

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What are the contents of the frog's stomach?

Frogs typically have a diet consisting of insects, small fish, worms, and other small invertebrates. Therefore, the contents of a frog's stomach may include partially digested prey items such as insects, larvae, or small crustaceans, depending on what the frog has recently consumed.

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What is the function of the frogs plyorus?

The pylorus is the lower area in the stomach in a frog. The function of the pylorus in a frog is to standardize the exit of food from the stomach.

How long does the smokey jungle frog live for?

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