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during sexual intercourse i used to ejaculate very soon ; though i want to continue it for longer period i simply cannot. Any technique or medical remedy for it ?

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Q: How long can a human keep accelerating?
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What is wrong with human inbreeding?

Nothing, as long as you are from West Virginia. If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.

What happens to the velocity of an accelerating object?

The velocity of an accelerating object increases over time as long as the acceleration is maintained.

Can you be accelerating if you are traveling at constant speed?

No, if you are traveling at a constant speed, you are not accelerating. Acceleration refers to a change in speed or direction.

What will happen if human doesn't have a brain?

Any human with no brain at all will not live long. The autonomic nervous system is needed to keep you alive.

1985 olds V 6 stalls when you floor it and dies what may be the problem?

try accelerating slowly. if it doesnt stall, you may have to keep accelerating slowly[until someone else can diagnose tyhe problem]

How do you know that the glider is accelerating?

it is accelerating.

How long is the electron in the accelerating region?

The electron spends a very short amount of time in the accelerating region—only a fraction of a nanosecond. During this time, it gains energy and accelerates due to the electric field present in the region.

Why does Finn the human wear a hat?

To keep his VERY long, blonde hair under control while he fights.

An object will accelerate when?

An object will continue accelerating as long as there is a force acting on it. (Newton's Second Law)

Which object is accelerating?

An object is accelerating if its velocity is changing.

Are you accelerating if you are traveling in a constant direction with constant speed and explain?

No, you are not accelerating if you are traveling in a constant direction with a constant speed. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if your velocity remains constant, there is no acceleration.

How can a human keep the leprechauns gold?

A human can keep the leprechauns gold if they answer the leprechauns three riddles.