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72 hours

* Actually I have been going for about 72.5 hrs now w/out water, and I think I can go longer

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Q: How long can a person survive in the desert without food or water?
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How long can average man survive in the Sahara Desert?

With sufficient water and food a person could survive indefinitely. Without water, just 2-3 days in the summer months.

How long could an average person survive in a desert?

Very hard. Without water, a person will not last long. It takes a specialized form of life to survive in the little/no water dessert. People can die in a desert very quickly without enough water to live.

Can people survive in the Sahara desert without water?

Not for very long. People cannot survive for very long without water, anywhere.

What animals can survive in lack of water and how?

Well, no animal can survive without water, but camels can go awhile without water. That's why they are mainly used in the desert.

How long can a camel survive in the desert without water?

A Long Time

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How long can a pet desert turtle live without food or water?

The pet desert can survive without eating for a few months.

How long can a person survive in the desert at 110 degrees?

With sufficient nutritious food and plenty of water, a person can survive indefinitely.

How many days can a man survive in the Thar Desert?

If a person has sufficient food and water, he can survive indefinitely. Some form of shelter would also be good. Without water the person would be dead in a few days, depending on the season of the year,

How long can someone live in the Atacama Desert without water?

The Atacama Desert is classified as a 'cold' desert where temperatures rarely rise above 75 or 80 degrees F. in the summer. If a person limits physical activity he/she might survive a few days (2-4) without water.

How can a person survive in the desert?

With sufficient water, food and shelter, a person can survive indefinitely in a desert. Without water, maybe two or three days depending upon the temperature and physical condition of the person. However, if it is quite hot and the person is physically active, that person could only survive a few hours without water.The majority of people who live in the deserts around the world live in cities and towns and have access to everything they need to live and survive comfortably. I have spent nearly 40 years living in 'the desert' and have indoor Plumbing. running water, electricity and am about a half mile from a Wal Mart SuperCenter where I can purchase food and other necessities.

How is it possible to survive in the desert without water for 10 days?

No,for food they can survive a week without but for water only a few days