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Platypuses can stay in the water all night, when is primarily when they feed. They make hundreds of dives daily in order to find enough food, swimming and sifting for invertebrates in the mud at the bottom of the river or creek. They only need to come out onto land to sleep.

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13y ago

Platypuses actually live on land. They hunt in water. Therefore, a platypus can stay on land until it requires its next meal.

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Where in the world do the platypus migrate?

Platypus do not migrate. They are solitary animals which stay in one area, as long as food and water is plentiful.

How long does an adult platypus stay with its young?

The young platypus stays with its mother for three to four months.

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A baby platypus stays in the chamber of its mother's burrow for about six weeks.

How long does the platypus protext its babys?

A baby platypus nurses from its mother for three to four months. After that, it stays with its mother until it is around a year old, learning to hunt for itself. Although platypuses are solitary animals, the mother and babies do form a small family group for up to a year.

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The platypus does not migrate or hibernate. They remain active all year long and stay close to home as long as food is available to them.

Where does platypus stay?

Platypuses tend to stay around freshwater creeks and rivers. Being semi-aquatic, they dig burrows in the riverbank, and they find their food in the water.

How long does the baby platypus stay in its egg?

A baby platypus incubates in the egg for ten days before hatching. It then remains in the chamber at the end of its mother's breeding burrow for several months.

Does a platypus jump into a river?

No; but the platypus does dive into water.

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Why does a platypus's heart rate must slow down so it can stay underwater for long periods of time?

so it has a longer time of having air