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The life span of a worker bee varies according to the time of year. Her life expectancy is approximately 28 to 35 days. Workers that are reared in September and October, however, can live through the winter.

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Q: How long can a sweat bee live?
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Are there bee's in the amazon rainforest?

NO, Dragonflies do not live in the amozon.

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How long do bee - eaters live?

Well, if your eating a bee not very long because they sting and stink!

How long does the carpenter bee live for?

same as a bumble bee,about 6 to 8 weeks

What is a sweat wasp?

It's a wasp or bee "yellow Jacket" that feeds off of human sweat!

Where do sweat bee live?

They are bred and live in the bark of trees. They feed on flowering trees/shrubs such as crepe myrtles etc; they are drawn to still water to include pool water.

How long does the king bee live for?

There is no "King Bee" The leader of a Bee Colony would be the Queen. And the average life expectancy would depend on the specific species of bee.

What is the role of the sweat bee for the corpse flower?

To pollinate the flower.

Can sweat bees die in the water?

Some sweat bee's can because once my friend was swimming and there was one on her head and she went under the water and when she came back up it was still alive and it stung her because the sweat bee can tell when you are scared.

Do hummingbirds bee live in jungle?

The bee hummingbird is the smallest species and measures 2.25 inches long. It is endemic to Cuba.

Sweat bee repellent?

Sweat bees are attracted to the salt in human scent. Anything that covers the smell of perspiration will help keep sweat bees away.

How long does the queen bee live?

A honey bee queen can live for four or five years but beekeepers usually replace them after two years.