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An urinary tract infection happens when bacteria travels from the urethra to the bladder. Incubation times varies from a few days to a few weeks depending on the type of bacteria that caused the infection.

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Q: How long can a urinary tract infection be present before symptoms occur?
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Related questions

Can you transmit urinary tract infection?

Although it is not common, a UTI can be transmitted to your partner. You should wait until your symptoms have cleared up and your are finished with your medication before having sex again.

Does HIV infect rapidly?

The initial infection is rapid, although there is often a prolonged latency period before symptoms show. It may take months or years after infection before symptoms become apparent.

Can a urinary trac infection be passed from a women to a man?

When a man and a woman have sex , it is very easy for them to get cross infection of urinary tract infection , if the woman has UTI , the man may get UTI from the woman . Before they get the radical treatment , the couple should not have sex , and the woman can use the Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to cure he UTI , the effect is very obvious , the bacteria will be killed within a very short time , the UTI symptoms will be cleared up very soon .

What are the natural after side effects after you have a Urinary Track Infection without medication?

If the infection gets really bad before it clears, you may get some kidney damage.

How long before symptoms of staph infection show up?

10 days

If you had a urinary tract infection a week before menstruation and it was treated with antibiotics would menstruation be late and by how much will it be late?


Is a Urinary Tract Infection an significant finding in nursing?

It indicates that their is infection which should be treated before it moves up the urinary tract system. In the elderly UTIs can cause acute confusion, resulting in delirium which is a medical emergency. Also UTIs have been linked to falls in the elderly so it is especially important to rule out a UTI since the beginning symptoms (frequency, urgency, burning) are often ignored in the geriatric population.

Is it normal to have a urinary tract infection before a period?

no. go and see your doctor. That is unusual expecially if it happens all the time.

How long before symptoms of mercer staph infection show up?

10 days

Urinary Tract Infections: Symptoms and Treatment?

Urinary tract infections are infections that affect any part of the urinary tract, though they most often start in the urethra and bladder before affecting the kidneys. In the bladder or urethra, urinary tract infections are not particularly dangerous. However, they can easily spread to the kidneys, causing serious complications. The symptoms of urinary tract infection differ depending on which part of the urinary tract is affected. Lower urinary tract infections often cause a burning sensation and/or pain when urinating. They can also cause discolored urine from presence of blood, pelvic pain, rectal pain, frequent urination, passing small amounts of urine despite urgency and cloudy urine. Kidney infections, which happen when a bladder or urethra infection spread to the kidneys, produce more severe symptoms. They can include fever, nausea, vomiting and back pain. Painful, burning and frequent urination are often still present as well. It is recommended for people experiencing urinary tract infections to see a doctor for an antibiotic. This is because many urinary tract infections will not go away on their own and can worsen with time. The doctor will typically prescribe an antibiotic and possibly a urinary pain reliever. In the event that a kidney infection has occurred, intravenous treatment may be necessary. Sometimes hospitalization is even necessary, depending on the extent of the infection. Home treatment is not recommended for urinary tract infections. However, there are some things an individual can do to help the medicine along and relieve their discomfort during the infection. Drinking plenty of fluids is the best ways to help the body get rid of an infection in the urinary tract. Water or sugar-free juice is best. A hot pad on the lower abdomen can help relieve bladder discomfort. Lastly, wearing loose, clean clothing and showering daily can help as well. The cause of urinary tract infections is bacteria making its way into the urinary tract. These bacteria may flush out on their own or go away before they even begin to multiply. However, they can also take root and multiply quickly. The most common bacterial cause of urinary tract infections is E. coli. Women are more likely to be infected through intercourse and because of the proximity of the anus to the urethra.

How long do you have to have the urinary tract infection before you can die?

UTIs are usually treated well with antibiotics. They only turn fatal if the bacteria causing the infection spreads to the kidney and the bloodstream, but this only occurs if the initial infection is left untreated.

How long before sexual contact with chlamydia infection before symptoms in women?

About 90 percent of women infected with Chlamydia do not have symptoms. Some symptoms will show up right away. Others may take days or week.