


Urinary Tract Infections (bladder infections)

An infection in urinary tract is also known as cystitis, in which usually produces a frequent, urgent need to urinate and a burning or painful sensation while urinating. It is generally caused by bacteria. Ask questions about urinary tract infections here.

817 Questions

Can NuvaRing cause urinary tract infection?

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No, but occasionally a woman will feel a urinary discomfort if the ring presses against her urethra. If you are experiencing frequent discomfort, get a urine culture (not just a dipstick test) to confirm infection. If it's negative, perhaps Nuva Ring is causing discomfort and you need talk with your health care provider about options.

What would a drug that damages capsids help treat a viral infection?

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A drug that damages capsids could potentially help treat a viral infection by preventing the virus from successfully replicating and spreading in the body. Capsids are protein coats that protect the viral genetic material, so disrupting or damaging them can inhibit the virus's ability to infect host cells and reproduce.

How to control pus cells in urine?

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To control pus cells in urine, it is important to treat the underlying cause, which is usually a bacterial infection. This may involve taking antibiotics as prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is also important to stay well-hydrated, maintain good hygiene practices, and follow any other advice or treatment recommended by a healthcare professional.

Do you have a gallbladder infection?

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I am a virtual assistant program and do not have a physical body or the ability to have medical conditions such as gallbladder infections. If you suspect you have a gallbladder infection, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are not effective treatments for viral infections?

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Antibiotics are not effective for treating viral infections because antibiotics target bacterial infections. Other treatments like antiviral medications may be necessary for managing viral infections. Home remedies like herbal supplements or essential oils have not been scientifically proven to effectively treat viral infections.

How do you know if you have piles?

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Symptoms of piles (hemorrhoids) include pain or discomfort in the anal region, itching or irritation, and bleeding during bowel movements. If you experience these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Histology report says fungal infection from sample taken from bladder. have been very sick. is this normal. waiting results from urine sample. what are symptoms of fungal infection of the bladder?

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Fungal infections in the bladder are not common but can occur, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Symptoms may include pain or burning during urination, frequent urge to urinate, cloudy or bloody urine, and abdominal or pelvic pain. It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment based on the urine sample results.

Can Chlamydia get confused in a urine test with a UTI?

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That depends on the test. If the health care provider did only a urine dipstick or urinalysis, both chlamydia and UTI will typically show increased white blood cells on the dipstick. A woman with painful urination who is at risk for STIs should be tested for chlamydia, even if antitbiotics were started at the visit pending culture results.

Does being sexually active cause yeast infections?

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You can get a bladder infection with just one partner´, if you dont clean yourself. You do know that you dont pee out of your vagina right? you have a urethra its right above your vaginal opening. Its amayzing to me how many girls dont know this.

What should you eat when you have kidney stones?

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It's not so much what you eat it's mostly what you should drink. Try drinking olive oil it's not pleasant and doesn't taste good, but it works. It will get rid of the pain and help pass the stone and also drink tons of water. But don't drink milk because if you have too much of that that can make it worse. But first try olive oil it really works trust me.

Is there a foul smelling odor when you have a UTI?

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Some of the bacteria that cause UTI can cause a foul odor to the urine. In addition, trichomoniasis, a sexually transmissible infection, can cause both UTI symptoms and a foul odor. Talk with your health care provider about appropriate testing and treatment to find the cause of your symptoms.

Icd-9 code for urinary tract infection secondary to E. coli?

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041.49, 599.0

041.49- Other and unspecified Escherichia coli infection

599.0 - Urinary tract infection

Why does your urine smell like ammonia and you feel like you have to pee all the time and it hurts and even though you drink plenty of water it still smells like ammonia?

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Urgency, increased frequency, and pain or burning are hallmark signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Visit your doctor, give a urine specimen (preferrable "Clean Catch") so a lab can check the urine. Until you get an antibiotic, drinking cranberry juice or cranberry tablets can help make the urine acidic--which infection 'bugs' hate. Note: Cranberry can make your urine look reddish. Drink lots of water. But do see a doctor.

Can erythromycin help get rid of a bladder infection?

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It depends on the bacteria causing the infection. Most common use is strep or staph; but LGV can cause LGV urethra infection that is caused by - Chlamydia trachomatis (or) UTI - Mycoplasma hominis -

Erythromycin is an antibiotic approved to treat a wide range of infections caused by bacteria, such as streptococcal infections of the skin, ears, and sinuses, pneumococcal pneumonia, chlamydia, bronchitis; diphtheria; pneumonia; rheumatic fever;, certain venereal diseases, and other infections. UTI - Mycoplasma hominis -

Lymphogranuloma venereum: (LGV). An uncommon genital or anorectal (affecting the anus and/or rectum) or urethra infection that is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.

Once LGV is diagnosed, it is usually treated with doxycycline 100 mg twice per day by mouth for 21 days. If this is not an option, for example, because of intolerance to the drug, erythromycin base 500 mg four times per day by mouth for 21 days can be used as an alternative.

A person who has been sexually exposed to a person with LGV should be examined for signs or symptoms of LGV, as well as for chlamydial infection of the urethra, since the LGV and urethral strains (types) of Chlamydia trachomatis can co-exist. If exposure occurred within 30 days of the onset of their partner's symptoms of LGV, the exposed person should be treated.

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) Infections - Drug-Induced Liver Disease - Strep Throat (Streptococcus bacteria) - Rheumatic Fever (streptococcal infection) - Whooping Cough (Bordetella pertussis) - Infectious Mononucleosis (strep A,mycoplasma, neisseria, and strep bacteria other than group A) - Pink Eye (Staphylococci and Streptococci) - diarrhea disease - Campylobacter

Erythromycin is an antibiotic approved to treat a wide range of infections caused by bacteria, such as streptococcal infections of the skin, ears, and sinuses, pneumococcal pneumonia, chlamydia, bronchitis; diphtheria; pneumonia; rheumatic fever; diarrhea disease - Campylobacter, certain venereal diseases, and other infections.

ORIGINAL USES (ON-LABEL): Various bacterial infections BRAND NAME- Ilosone

- GENERIC NAME Erythromycin - CHEMICAL CLASS - Macrolide derivative

THERAPEUTIC CLASS - Antibiotic (macrolide) oral, topical, intravenous, eye.

POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS Systemic: Irregular heart rate (ventricular arrhythmias, QT prolongation), headache, fever, seizures, rash, abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, oral yeast infection, vomiting, jaundice,

CAUTIONS: Do not use if you have pre-existing liver disease and use with caution if you have reduced liver function. - Do not use concomitantly with ergot derivatives, pimozide, astemizole, or cisapride.- May aggravate myasthenia gravis.


Acne, chancroid, cholera, diarrhea due to Campylobacter, gingivitis, granuloma inguinale, impetigo, Lyme disease, lymphogranuloma venereum (AKA UTI), periodontitis.

FOOD INTERACTIONS: Avoid alcohol. The absorption of some erythromycin formulations are affected by food. Er. stearate should be taken at least two hours before or after a meal. Er. estolate, er. ethylsuccinate and erythromycin base may be taken without regard to meals.

Can a hernia pass a urinary tract infection to another person?

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I had double hernia's last year, and I had two bladder infections leading to it. The doctor told me I probably had the hernia's for a few years. Since I had the hernia's repaired, I haven't had a bladder infection since. Personally I blame the bladder infections on the hernia's, the doctor said it was possible. My health was perfect (other then the hernia's) when I got the bladder infections, the chances are good in my option it "could" be the cause of a UTI.

Does cipro cure uti or bladder infections?

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It may do so. contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What does it mean when a women urinates a lot but with no sign of a urinary tract infection?

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Oliguria- VERY low amounts of urine output

Could be caused by a number of things such as dehydration, Kidney disease, obstruction of the urine flow from bladder to urethra...

Enuresis refers to an inability to control urination

Diurnal enuresis is daytime wetting. Signs are frequent urination, urgent need feeling to urinate or dribble after urinating.

Causes could include: incomplete emptying of the bladder, overactive bladder disorder, constipation...

I have been drinking a lot of Gatorade is that bad for a bladder infection?

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I am not sure Gatorade can be a cause of bladder infections but in my experience it has been a contributing factor to bladder irritation.

Is the gallbladder and the prostate the same thing?

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No they aren't.

A bladder is where urine is stored. A gall bladder helps with processing fats.

Gall bladders can develop gallstones, which are deposits - and are extremely painful. A gallbladder attack describes the pain the deposits can incur.

A gallbladder can be removed without any real adverse lifestyle changes; however, a bladder cannot.

What is closed bladder irrigation?

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Instillation of a solution into the bladder to provide cleansing or medication. (NIC96)