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Q: How long can mermaids breath for?
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How long can a mermaid hold her breath?

There is a myth that mermaids can hold their breath underwater indefinitely, but in reality, humans can hold their breath anywhere from 1-3 minutes on average. If mermaids were real, they would likely have similar breath-holding capabilities to humans.

Can the mermaids in Pirates of the Caribbean 4 breath underwater?

Yes, or else they wouldn't be called mermaids.

How many pages are in the book Real Mermaids Don't Hold Their Breath?

The book Real Mermaids Don't Hold Their Breath by Helene Boudreau has 224 pages.

Will your breath get longer if you are turned into a mermaid?

No. You can NOT become a mermaid by any means. Mermaids are not real and they do not exist. Humans can not change into mermaids. It is physically impossible.

Do mermaids have long hair?

No mermaids do not have hair. Mermaids actually lost there hair when they evolved into mermaids. Hair slows a creature down that is trying to swim. So through evolution these mermaids lose there hair. In conclusion, no mermaids do not have long hair. They have no hair at all.

Can mermaids breath out of water?

Mermaids are not real, so it doesn't make a difference if they breath out of water or not. They come to us from legends written thousands of years ago by the Greek and Celts. It is scientifically impossible for the DNA of a fish and human to live in the same body.

How long have mermaids been a live?

they are fantasy so theres no such thing as mermaids

Can mermaids have long hair?

Yes, they can. It all depends what the person who creates them want to have. <- no. No mermaids do not have hair. Mermaids actually lost there hair when they evolved into mermaids. Hair slows a creature down that is trying to swim. So through evolution these mermaids lose there hair. In conclusion, no mermaids do not have long hair. They have no hair at all. (if you're talking about real mermaids this is correct if not look at the answer before this paragraph.)

How long can a mermaid stay out of water?

yes, they can breathe underwater.... WELL, we have no proof that mermaids exist. So what we have researched and it says they can.actually i dont believe in mermaids but i still believe that they can breath under water.

Is a mermaids hair long?

They can have hair of any type and color it depends on what the artist or writer wants them to look like. Since they are not real they can be anything. <- this is wrong. No mermaids do not have hair. Mermaids actually lost there hair when they evolved into mermaids. Hair slows a creature down that is trying to swim. So through evolution these mermaids lose there hair. In conclusion, no mermaids do not have long hair. They have no hair at all.

How did mermaids come extinct?

mermaids are not extinct. they are 2 living but one holds there breath for 20 minutes and the other one draws oxygen from the water like a fish. Mermaids and mermen are widely accepted as mythical creatures. Don't believe everything you see in the movies.

How long is a mermaids tail?

mermaids doesn't exist if it does I'm guessing it would be longer than 5 feet