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There is no such thing as crest lupus. Crest disease is a different disease alltogether. It is however an autoimmune disease just like lupus.

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Q: How long can someone with lupus live for?
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What are the long-term effects of lupus?

Long term effects of lupus are entirely dependent upon the severity of the disease, how long the disease has been present, and the organs and tissues affected. Some lupus patients live full productive lives with normal life spans even though they have lupus. Other lupus patients live only days and die.

Can lupus affect someone else?

Lupus is not contagious. You can't get lupus from someone and you can't give lupus to someone. But chronic illness affects relationships and can have quite a strain on families. When someone is ill the whole family suffers.

Can you pass the lupus rash to someone else?

Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease, but it is not contagious. You cannot *pass on* the lupus rash to someone else.

Where does a canis lupus familiaris live?

Canis lupus familiaris is the scientific name for dogs; they live with people.

How long can a person live with hepatitis d and lupus?

hepatitis d life is according hepatitis b it viral infection,and lupus is autoimmune skin disease 55 to 60 year pass away

How long can an Arctic wolf live?

This is my area, for a change. I am a wolf ethologist. Canis lupus arctos, the arctic wolf, is a subspecies of Canis lupus, the grey wolf. This wolf is about 300,000 years ago in its evolutionary introduction. They only wolf that is still on its entire ancestral range yet.

Is VRE contagious?

Is vre contagaious to someone with lupus

Do Arctic wolves live in the Arctic?

Yes arctic wolves ( Canis lupus arctos ) and the grey wolf ( Canis lupus ) live in the arctic region.

How long is the life span of SLE lupus?

You usually live life the same but your last years u will suffer dying! Its sad but you just newed to be happy you lived that long!

Can you contact lupus by wearing clothing of someone who is infected?

No. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, wherein your body produces antibodies against itself. Lupus is not an infection, and it cannot be transmitted from an affected person to another.

Where does a gray wolf canis lupus live?

eastern woodland

Is lupus terminal?

It's not curable and can be fatal, but these days with careful treatment most people with lupus can live fairly normal lives.