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They will last longer without food than they will without clean water. A couple of weeks without food will not starve them to death but they would loose condition. A couple of weeks with no filter and no water changes would make them quite sick.

The basic rules for keeping any kind of fish sucessfully are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you stick to the above rules your fish will stand a chance of survival. If you miss out on any of the above I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and dying before they should.

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Q: How long can tiger barbs survive without food?
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What does tiger barb eat?

Tiger barbs should be fed a good quality tropical flake food. You can get them online for a good price at

What should you do when the tiger barbs in the tank are starting to nip at the angelfish?

Tiger Barbs should ideally not be kept with angelfish, as they are slow moving and long finned - and therefore tempting to nip at. This can cause great stress to the angelfish, so the tiger barbs should be moved to a separate tank if possible. Alternatively, if the first option is not possible, a constant food supply should be maintained to give the barbs something else to do and distract them from fin-nipping.

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