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Turkey can be left out for a little bit after its done. However, it should have liquid injected into it, so it does not dry.

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Q: How long can turkey set after being cooked?
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Yes, as long as the chicken was cooked to the safe temperature of 180F, the pan will be sterile. Don't allow it to set out before refrigerating.

How long do you cook smoked turkey legs?

In a conventional oven, you would cook smoked turkey legs for about an hour in a preheated oven set to 200 degrees Celsius or 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure that the chicken is cooked by inserting a knife through the deepest part of the thigh and check that the juice runs clear.

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1 frozen, prepared, Turkey Burger is 5 Points.

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You cook a butterfly turkey for 25 minutes per pound in an oven set to 375 degrees. Be sure and baste during the cooking process to keep it moist.

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The weight of the largest turkey every recorded as 86 pounds. The record was set in 1989 in London.

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Yes, although size (of the eggs VS chicken) could be a problem with not being able to warm them enough.

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Brown sauce takes about five minutes to cook. All you have to do is bring the sauce to a boil and let it set until it cools.

How long to bake a 5.3 kg turkey?

A 5.6 kg turkey will take about 3 to 3 and a half hours long to cook. The oven temperature should be set to 190 degrees Celsius/375 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led a coup d'etat against the Ottoman Empire and set up the Republic of Turkey.

If food is cooked then set aside how long before micro-organisms grow to spoil the food and be the possible cause of food poisoning?

4 hours at room temperature

How long can I keep cooked shanked ham in the refrigerator How long can I keep a cooked shanked ham in the refrigerator?

As long as it is in a sealed container and the refrigerator is set to 39 degrees (the optimum temperature), cooked meats such as ham will stay fresh for up to 10 days or so. However, the presence of any unusual odor when you open the container, or any mold or growth on any food indicates that it is spoiled and should be discarded. In my house, these are referred to as "science experiments".