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For as long as a chicken has teeth.

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Q: How long can you freeze pudding shots?
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You are making a cake with pudding for filling can you freeze the whole thing?

Yes, but pudding (and jell-o) do not freeze well. Don't freeze it for too long, as ice crystals will begin to form in the pudding.

How long can you freeze pease pudding?

Yes. how long can you freeze pease pudding for

Can you freeze pudding with peanut butter in it?

an you freeze a cake that has peanut butter and pudding mixture in between the two layer

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How do you mature Christmas pudding?

Pudding can be frozen well. Put it in an airtight container or individual serving containers and freeze it. You can refreeze pudding only once, then it becomes thiner and runny. It is best to freeze it in individual containers that do not have to be refroze.

Can you freeze choc pudding into popsicles?

You should be able to just either take a cup put the pudding and stick a popsicle in and freeze or buy those kits that come with containers and handles (pop sticks) but just try and if it doesnt work then no

What happens if you put jelly in the freezer?

Pudding can turn into a creamy pudding pop when frozen. It is usually considered as a dessert but can also be a savory dish.

Will pudding still be pudding after freezing and thawing?

No. It will be kinda like a sponge. Totally gross.You can freeze the cups of pudding you buy in stores, just let them thaw at room temperature and they come out just the same as before you froze them!

Can you freeze jello pudding?

If you want to freeze jello in order to eat it frozen, Then yes it can be frozen. If you are looking to freeze jello in order to store and defrost to eat as regular jello later, then the gelatin in the jello may break down when it defrosts and make the jello mushy.

Can you freeze chocolate mud cake?

You cannot freeze chocolate pudding, and expect it retain its integrity after thawing - as for any milk-based custard. The ice crystals that formed upon freezing will melt and drain, leaving your pudding separated, cracked and lumpy, and your crust soggy.

Can chocolate syrup freeze?

If you want to know try it! You never know it might freeze it might not, be adventurus. TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... but if you wanna no now, then heres an answer from my experience: no it does not freeze

Can you freeze hogs pudding?