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20 years to life.

The duration of the event is not relevant in making the charge.

The act itself is what is prohibited.

What if this person was a doctor..or possessed information vital to the national security interest's, and a life was lost because the "kidnapped" doctor was not there to save it. Or time-sensitive actionable data that was delayed in reaching a policy guy,analyst, a field operator or handler.

So it's a good idea to refrain from there are no statute of limitations on murder, nor is there on kidnapping which is a federal offence if you cross states lines whilst engaged in kidnapping.

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6mo ago

The specific length of jail time for kidnapping someone for 30 minutes will depend on the jurisdiction and the circumstances of the case. However, it is important to note that even a brief period of kidnapping is a serious crime, and penalties can range from several years to potentially decades in prison, along with fines and other legal consequences. Kidnapping is a criminal offense that is treated with severity by the legal system.

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