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Q: How long can you keep food under a Heat lamp?
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Can you place a hamster under a heat lamp?

do not place under heat lamp it may kill hamster!!!

When you set food under a heat lamp to warm you are changing radiant energy to what form?


What is the effect of light bulbs on food?

As you know light bulbs give off a good amount of heat, so to keep food under a light will keep the food somewhat warmer. That is why resturants keep plates of food in the "hot line," just a fancy way to say a counter with a lamp over it.

What food do you buy at a store that looks like it's been under the heat lamp for weeks?


What do you use to keep a chick warm?

blanket and heat lamp (I recommend a blanket)

Should you keep brand new baby robins just hatched under a heat lamp?

only when it's cold

How do you care for a piglet?

You must keep the newborns under a heat lamp so they keep warm, also the piglets must have clean dry pen or they will get sick.

How can you heat up your bearded dragons cage when it already has proper substrate and heat lamp?

Use a heat mat under the vivarium at the same end as the heat lamp.

Can i put a heat lamp for my leopard gecko's heat source?

Yes you can, however if you have a heat lamp you should get a heat mat (for under the cage) so he/she can have heat at the top and bottom of the cage.

How does a food warming tray keep food warm?

Fooding warming trays keep food warm by applying heat to a small amount of water in a tray underneath the food tray. The tray containing the water is heated either by electricity or with small alcohol gel candles. The heat and steam radiated up from the water and tray holding the water keeps the food warm.