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Q: How long can you live after a colon infection?
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What is a ball colon infection?

Not sure what the question is as no such thing as ball colon infection?

What are the symptoms of suffering from a colon infection?

De Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi 23 mai 2011 - Knowing some colon infection symptoms is probably the best way to understand whether an individual is suffering from a colon infection.

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colon caner how young could you be to have this and how long would i have to live?

How long is the transverse part of the colon?

How long is the transverse part of the colon?

Will yeast infection cause complications with surgery-- hernia and colon surgery?

No, a yeast infection should not cause complications with hernia or colon surgery. However, it will depend on the location and severity of the yeast infection.Ê

how long will live patint with lever cancer and he is taking chemotherapy?

symtymps of first stage colon cancer

What is resolving colitis?

Resolving Colitis is where your colon had an infection, the immune system has killed it, but has not shut off and is still actively attacking the colon to kill what is not there.

What causes vibrating feeling in colon at night time?

Vibrating colon is the result of a urinary track infection. Go see a urologist and get antibiotics.

What can a person live without for 3 hour?

Most likely the colon. Procedures in early times involved removing the colon. They would live, but it was extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, the colon.

What do you do if colon perforation occurs?

go to the hospital so you don't die of a bacterial infection?

What if your friend keeps being sick and has lost lots of weight?

He might have a colon infection.

Why has your candida gotten worse after a colon cleanse?

It is best to treat you infection with proper medication for candida. Colon cleanse may have just added/irritated it more.